Video Search Engine with Media Player and Play Lists
Next generation interactive web player. Some of the features are: - Simultaneously search movies into different sources like YouTube, Meta Cafe, Break, etc - Free download from YouTube, Meta Cafe, Break, etc - Auto convert files to AVI, WMV, MPEG4, MP3, 3GP, MOV - Watching movies - User Libraries - Play lists - Import play lists from YouTube, Meta Cafe, iTunes, etc - Share playlists with friends and social networks - Easy to use profile system - Browse and play public play lists - Recently played movies - Most popular, top favorites, recently added and most listened videos - Play everything from your library by clicking a button Play - Create RSS feeds with movie clips - Read lyrics - Edit information about each movie clip - Quick rate and share each movie clip There are a lot more features but unfortunately the space for description is limited. Please visit the author's website for more information, demo and screenshots.