Are you... Overloaded with paperwork, photo , E-mail... ? Can't find things? Too disorganized to focus? sqlDESKTOP can help you to get organized. sqlDESKTOP is a computerized manual filing system arranged just like a real office, you can organize documents, WEB pages, photos into ‘ real ‘ file cabinet, folder, album photo. You can arrange by project, by department or whatever makes sense to you. sqlDESKTOP doesn't tell you how to organize, it lets you do things your own way. At home, you can use sqlDESKTOP to organize photos either in a standard way or in a funny way with bulk-talk. With the network version of the product, you can share access to files, while maintaining the ability to keep some files private. sqlDESKTOP virtually eliminates the time wasted searching for lost information. It also decreases duplication, errors, customer response time and stress associated with not being able to find a document when needed.