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Staff Viewer

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XML driven staff viewer
Product Details

XML Staff Viewer Features: Although I have set this up as a staff viewer, it can be used in many different ways, I’ll leave it up to your imagination! Usage 1. Embed into your HTML page, simply copy and paste the code in the provided preview HTML file. 2. All in one clip, drag and drop into your flash project. 3. Load dynamically, the code will not interfere with your swf holder. 4. XML file is UTF -8 Encoded to allow for special characters XML Driven You can change the following settings for each staff/item in the xml file: - Thumbnail and main image - Main description for each staff/item with automatic scroll bar - The main text for each staff/item is HTML formated, so you can easily format your text using HTML tags, and add links, pictures etc….

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Submitted on
20th April 2009
Last Updated
19th October 2009
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