TableTools - Sort/Search/Filter/Sum/Copy HTML Tables
Convert your HTML tables into dynamic data sources more usable than Excel tables in many ways with really easy&fast setup! Supports multi-column sorting of many auto-detected datatypes, supports US/European styled date/time/number formats; Search filter supports regular expression, range operations (e.g., “>3 & 01.01.2005”), inverted or all-column search; Intelligent select filter (0.5, 5e-1 are one entry) good for grouping & supports inverted filtering; Provides 6 summary functions (sum, avg, etc); Copies tables into 3 formats great for pasting into email/Excel or webpage. Has completely customizable context-sensitive menu and keyboard shortcuts; Config options + CSS allow complete customization of look-n-feel and (language) localization. Sort/search/filter/summary supports easy extension for custom data types. Cookie remembers sorting order/directions for all tables and all sorted columns. X-browser. Very small and fast - use it as compressed (20KB) or uncompressed (54KB)