Telerik Sitefinity
"Sitefinity is a development platform for construction and management of websites, community portals, and intranets. Inspired by Web 2.0 UIs, the product delivers top experience for end users, while the flexible architecture empowers developers to be in a full control. The product delivers top experience for end-users and in the same time provides a flexible architecture which empowers developers to have full control over the application. Sitefinity offers: - Highly-intuitive Web 2.0 user interface - Controlled approval process which allows business users to streamline the addition and modification of website content - Open architecture which allows for extension and diversification - Freely available fully functional trial version for hands-on testing which eliminates technical risk and integration concerns - Rich set of modules (news, blogs, polls, etc.) and ability to easily create new ones - An extensive API for developement. - ...and a lot more.