The most efficient and light-weight CMS
CompactCMS isn't a Content Management System as you've known them. Instead of taking over every aspect of developing websites, CompactCMS only manages the content of your pages. So before you even read on: basic knowledge of xHTML and CSS is a must. CompactCMS distinguishes itself by remaining small yet efficient and effective. All features are managed through a single dashboard. It helps basic users in managing the actual content on any site, while simultaneously allowing higher user levels to manage more delicate parts, such as the sites’ templates. With CompactCMS being fully reliant on Ajax, a dashboard reload is never necessary. Making CompactCMS one of the fastest, efficient and most effective CMS on the market. Fully taking care of for example SEO optimization (url's, structure, etc). One administrative page handles it all using Ajax and PHP. CompactCMS focuses on keeping the content management in CMS.