The Smart GuestBook
As its anme suggests, The Smart GuestBook is a beautiful guestbook script in PHP that has almost all features that an advanced guestbook should have. It supports avatar, emoticons or smilies, bbcode, easy installation with automatic installer, language templates (currently only English is available), flood protection, IP logging & banning, bad words filter, validates the information provided by your visitor (email, website, name, message), ICQ, AIM, YIM support (displays information via tooltips), an easy administrator control panel with full control of your guestbook, verification of comments for size etc. With this advanced version of the guestbook, you can edit and design it to fit your liking or your website looks!! Moreover, The Smart GuestBook can record the time your visitors signed your guestbook. You can change your password as often as you need for security reasons. And all this comes for FREE!! A demo is available on the author's website. Come and get it now.