Translucent - jQuery Banner Rotator / Slideshow
This is a jQuery Banner Rotator / Slideshow with translucent background set for caption. Supports touch swipe navigation for iPad and Android tablets. Around 35 plugin settings included for customization. Options: - 4 Transition effects to choose: Move, Fade, Slide In, Slide Out - 2 different kind of touch swipe/throw transitions (move & slideOut) - Adjustable transition speed. - Auto Play option with Fixed & Individual slide delay times - Adjustable Button Color, Opacity, Size, Margin and Spacing - Show / Hide the buttons: Next, Back, Number Buttons and Timer Clock – Play Pause - Show number buttons horizontally or vertically - Possible to show Number buttons permanently instead of auto hiding Caption: - Caption text can be aligned bottom (default) or set custom position (float mode) - Enable / disable caption text selection - Individually adjustable Caption Width, Height and Position See the Publisher's site for more details.