True 3D Autorotate Carousel 01 AS3
Greetings and welcome to the first in a line of many amanzing Papervision 3D files. This is a true 3D image (and swf) carousel that supports auto-rotate and is great for displaying products or navigation. It has an (optional) tooltip with html formatted text that supports multiline and special characters. There are tons of customisation options available and waiting to be tinkered with. Writted in clean and commented Actionscript 3.0 and powered by P3D this file is a must-have for anyone looking to spice up their project. Check out the 3 preview demos, they were all obtained just by changing xml settings, that's all ! Settings you can change from the XML file (38+): - set up item width and height - carousel radius - camera zoom value - camera elevation (y) - vertical angle - horizontal angle - carousel rotation speed - background items blur amount - background items alpha amount - tooltip on/off - tooltip background color and alpha ...and many more