Unlimited XML Tree Menu
The Unlimited XML Tree Menu is a tree menu controlled by XML in which you can have as many buttons and as many levels as you wish! Main features of the Unlimited XML Tree Menu: – Have as many buttons and as many levels as you wish! – Control the color of the buttons globally or on each individual button > For each button, you can control the text color, mouse over text color, arrow color and background color – Globally control the width and height of the buttons – Globally control the indent amount for a new level – Globally control if the dotted lines are shown and what color they are – Globally control the button’s initial background transparency and the mouse over transparency – On mouse click of a button, you can either link out to a URL or load in a SWF > When loading in a SWF , you specify the path and the X and Y position AS3 only. Opens with Flash CS3 . Step by step instructions are included and code is commented. HTML files are included.