Sun, 4th May 2014
Dear Mickey R. (not client),
Thank you for your unfair review.
Any feedback is always constructive.
Most probable you didn't test the script, probably my email was not clear enough and probable our Policy page was also not clear enough.
I will try to re-cap, hopping that things will be clarified this way:
- In our script we process only contact information: name, email, phone, address, web address.
This is less sensitive information( usually public ) and are required in order to allow potential visitors of your site to contact you or your property owners.
This info is stored on client's server/database. We don't have access on this info unless the client allows us to.
- We don't process any credit cards and we don't store any credit card info or any other payment sensitive info. When a user starts a payment he is redirected to selected payment gateway.
All payments are processed via https via payment gateways.
- We have nothing to hide. We just protect our work/code. Unfortunately it's a must. in order to survive on this market.
You can download the demo version/full version of the script and do whatever tests you want.
A good server admin can isolate the script and check at any time what is send in/out. Emails, ftp, traffic in/out, o etc can be logged.
The only email sent by the script (and) to us is in case a full version of the script is installed on a different domain, either than the license domain.
This email is used for internal use only.
If you have further questions and we can help, please let us know.
Have a good day!