Velakor Feeds
Feeds is an open source Ruby on Rails feed reader application. Features: * No full page reloads are required when reading/searching feeds * Has 2 different view types for reading feeds (2 column and 3 column layouts) * You have the option to publish a RSS feed of your starred items * Different views are available for each feed/folder (Unread/Starred/All/Recen t) * Search function for each folder/feed/view * Import OPML function * Sortable tree of your feeds/folders * Complete unread counts are displayed for each folder/feed Ajax is used in many places to improve the speed of the application. Stay tuned for more cool features to come in future versions. Instructions: Keyboard shortcuts: * R - Reload * S - Stars an item * P - Stars an item * A - Archives (marks as read) an item * , (comma) - Move up * . (point) - Move down