Velakor Notes
Notes is a Ruby on Rails application designed to be a simple and fast to-do and notes manager. Ajax is used in many places to improve the speed of the application. Stay tuned for more cool features to come in future versions. The �Pages� section allows the creation of Notes and To-do lists (items in to-do lists are sortable); you can also add images and files to a �Page�. A �Page� can be made public so that anyone can view it. The �Tabs� section is a list of notes; while �Pages� are designed for temporary storage of information, the �Tabs� section is designed as a permanent archive of notes - also has search functionality. The �Notepad� section is a simple text area where you can save temporary information. The �Chat� section allows the creation of chat rooms. The "Reminders" section is a place where you can set reminders (you can also receive reminders by sms using Twitter) - notices you receive by e-mail at specified times.