JavaScript HTML5-based Webix Charts
HTML5/JavaScript Charts widget that presents data in spectacular graphic figures. It includes such popular chart types as line, spline, area, bar, pie, 3s pie, donut, scatter, and radar. Webix Charts can load data from XML, JSON, JSArray and CSV formats with ease. Due to the high customizability of XML and JSON data formats, you can use the Chart with your existing web services too. With Webix Charts you can develop a chart that has a line and bar series at the same time. Webix Charts can be customized to any desired look by changing their height, width, color, orientation and more. The Charts legend is also easily customizable and allows you to identify the data from each chart variable clearly. This incredible Webix widget allows you to present multiple data sets on one chart across various browsers. Webix Charts support natural data mapping and accurately operates on all touch devices.