WebReflow Webstatistics � simply intelligent analyzing
WebReflow is a real time analysis tool to discover the behaviour of the visitors of your website. You get detailed information about your visitors. Most important Features: o Origin: Website and Country o Click-Path(Tracking) including page view time and details of visitor o Search machine analyzing with type of search machine, phrases and search words o Records data visitors do type into fields on your site o Site ranking o Entry- and Exitsites o Technical data of visitors (JS, Resolution, type of browser and more) o Hour-, Daily-, Weekly-, Monthly- and Year-based analysis o Comparison of Weekdays concerning traffic o Define the time period to analyse o Daily-, Weekly-,Monthly Statistics via E-Mail o Find out about search engine robot activities on your page o Installation program o Assistant for incorporating WebReflow into your site (PHP or HTML) o Administration panel o English and German Language All statistics is presented clear and easy to understand!