Whois Scraper & Mailer Script
Whois Scraper is a simple and easy to use script that automates the process of finding, scraping or extracting domains whois contact information in bulk. Information that can be retrieved include: name of the owner/administrator, organization's name, physical address, email address, phone number and fax number. It can export the whois & domain data in MS Excel format (.csv), rss format (.xml), MySql format (.sql) & compressed Zip archive format (.zip). It is the only whois scraper that can find newly registered domain names and allow you to export extracted data in several different formats which could be used for various purposes. It is also the only whois scraper that can allow you to make money off it. It could be used by many users at the same time. You won't need any other whois scraper. Check the sales & demo pages for details.