World Wide Creations
Product Details
This site offers a growing number of free and commercial Perl scripts. Programs include classifieds, ad managers, online email systems, mailing list manager, and more.

posted byshopperpressinAutos
PriceUSD 99.00

posted byinoutscriptsinShopping Carts
PriceUSD 899.00

posted bySangvishinClone Scripts
PriceUSD 499.00
User Reviews
Please rate the listing and tell the world know what do you think about the listing.
Worldwide Creations stinks.
Reviewed byAnonymousonTue, 19th October 2004
Product was not all that easy to install, there is no try it before you buy it and Mac users ads are not uploaded. There is no support except through forums and their sales staff is rude. They do not refund at all even when they do not note known issues before you buy it.