WP (Whois Proxy)
Lookup whois information for any domain, ip#, nic handle, etc. Fnds the appropriate whois server for you. Runs as a cgi or cmd-line. Removes verbose copyright disclaimers. Can filter or accept Korean/Japanese output. Web-configurable. A complete rewrite of the GeekTools whois proxy. v.1.3.0 is i18n-enabled (speaks French and German) has optional results caching, and is smarter at finding the nth-level domain name that will resolve. Versions 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 are maintenance releases. v.1.2.2 improves ip number and .ORG lookups. v.1.2.0 is more efficient and faster, does better hyperlinking, and maintains the server's formatting, has a new maintenance free access control routine, and is now known to run in a Windows/Apache/ActiveSitePerl environment. V1.1.4 improves support for .org domains (using whois.pir.org) and uses an enhanced whoislist that reports more info for domains without whois servers.