This pack contains two cool reusable classes (an random effect class - RandomTyper and an easing effect class - EasingTyper) in ActionScript 3.0 used to add a animated typing effect to a TextFiled(input or dynamic). They are instantiated with only one line of code and it can be used in practically any project that have text. Example for random class: var randomEffect:RandomTyper = new RandomTyper(textField_instance,"any String here",20); textField_instance - instance of the TextField "any String here" - this is a String directly added in the constructor, you can use a variable if you like 20 - is the speed of the effect(this is an optional argument) Example for easing class: var easingEffect:EasingTyper = new EasingTyper(textField_instance,"any String here",30); textField_instance - instance of the TextField "any String here" - this is a String directly added in the constructor, you can use a variable if you like 30 ...