XML Fullscreen Web Template
This website template is fully resizable, customizable in the xml, and is only 23kb! You never even need to touch your flash file. The rollover gallery menu on top hides when you are not using it, scrolls right and left if there are too many to fit, and has a thumbnail show up on rollover. There are also next and back buttons that hide when they are on the first or last image. There is even a button that makes this template fullscreen. You can have as many pages of each page type as you like. If you want to use your logo you just replace my logo. If not, just say so in the xml. You can use html text in your content, including images and links. The contact page is a working php contact system that uses phpMail. You can set your colors, text, and recipient email in your xml. The music player has an on/off button and volume slider. If you don’t want music just change one variable in the xml. You can also set it to autoplay or wait until the play button is clicked.