XML MP3000 Minimal
# You can set a startpoint and endpoint in the XML data at which point to start and stop a track.# You can show or hide all the individual parts of the player with a simple component parameter. Set it to show “Progress bar”, “Time”, “Title scroller display”, “Song list” and “Spectrum animation” as you see fit. # Besides clicking in the progress bar to change the point of playback, you can rewind and fastforward a track with buttons and set the spool back/forward speed with a simple parameter. # It’s possible to add/show a toggle button to “repeat” a track when completing or having the player “jump automatically to next song” # You can use either a manual font of your choice, or one of the two precreated dotted/pixel fonts for both the Time Display and/or for the Song List items # You have a choice from 12 different “Spectrum Animations” and the player has 12 small buttons on the side of the player so the viewer can change visual.