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XML Paypal Video Shopping Cart

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XML driven flash cart to sell tutorial, movies etc...
Product Details

1. You can change the following main settings in the xml file: - Paypal email address - Currency code - Currency sign to be displayed in the shop - All text labels for buttons and text fields 2. Add as many categories as you want, all in 1 xml file. 3. Add as many items in each category as you want. You can change the following parameters for each item: - Item name - Thumbnail and video for each item - Description for each item. - Item price - Item handling - Unique item ID * Paypal cart 1. Advanced paypal cart where you can review your shopping, and reduce/increase/delete quantities for each item. 2. Empty cart button to remove all items in cart 3. All text labels imported from xml 4. Check out button will send detailed list of items to paypal including product numbers for better post payment control 5. Video will be paused when viewing cart

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Submitted on
27th March 2009
Last Updated
6th January 2010
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License Price
USD 20

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