XML Photo / Design Gallery
This is a fully XML driven template created to show off photography or design work. Everything from the menu system, to the title, to all the images is all completely XML driven. This website can be completely customized without even owning flash. The menu is driven by XML , and every menu item can be an image gallery, bring in an external swf (AS3, AS2 , or even SwishMax), or it can be a link. Between those 3 options, there is pretty much nothing you can�t do with this template. It is extremely responsive, extremely easy to use and set up, and extremely high quality both from a graphics and development standpoint. Images automatically resize to their appropriate sizes (though it�s always better to size them down a little yourself for download speed purposes). The site is full-browser and fluid, all elements place themselves fluidly to fill the browser at any moment without scrollbars, unless the user sizes very small, in which case the scrollbars kick on and it works normally.