XML Photo Galery
Full customizable photo album A simple to use Photo Gallery with picture comments, smart image loader, preview picture bar with gray effect and resizable image effect. Variables that you can change : albumWidth the width for the preview bar and max width for image viewer albumHeight the heigth for the preview bar albumAreaHeight the max heigth for the image viewer border the border of the image spacing the minimum spacing bettwen the previewer borderColor the color of the image border shadowColor the shadow color of the preview image butonColor the color of the next and previous buttons up if the preview is up or down (true or false) slide slide show on mouse inactivity (true/false) time if slide=true the time of the mouse inactivity ... and time bettwen slide onPicture you ca put the information on picture or at the bottom of the picture (true/false) transitionSpeed transition effect speed resizeSpeed picture resize speed on changing the picture