Xml Thumbnail News Ticker with Blur Effect
This file is Xml Thumbnail News Ticker with Blur Effect.It is easy to change all settings and copy / paste on your other flash files. Features: •Easy copy and paste on your file. •Easy resize news box width and heigh. •Only change width and height on action script line , everyting will change all settings. •XML driven. •HTML support. •Supports both Embedded and non embedded fonts. •You can load JPEG , GIF, PNG images and SWF files. •Link for each news. •Thumbnails for each news •Title. •Content text. •Date •Loader for each image. •Detail button. Settings; //// Settings //////////// xmlName = "news.xml"; // xml name slideType = "vertical"; // horizontal or vertical newsWidth = 250; // news box width size newsHeight = 250; // news box height size blur=1; // blur effect Speed=4; // transition speed SlaytTime = 2; // time (second) //////////////////////////// ...