All the ingredients you need for a web portal under one roof. A Yahoo clone script. JOOJ Web Portal is unique to other scripts. It combines multiple scripts from JOOJ Scripts™ to give you a powerful, multi-tasking platform that amplifies the use of each script taken at face value and gives the visitor an interactive lively environment. JOOJ Web Portal allows your users to access all the integrated services through a single login/registration process. It helps you to run an ad enabled portal like Yahoo/MSN with your minimal effort and cost.JOOJ Web Portal uses allows you to combine many scripts to form a powerful platform. Combine Many under one – REAL ESTATE SCRIPT, HOTEL RESERVATION SCRIPT, AUTOS SCRIPT, DIRECTORY SCRIPT, MUSIC SCRIPT, REGIONS NEWS SCRIPT, SOCIAL NETWORK SCRIPT, MEDIA SCRIPT, ANSWERS SCRIPT, COUPONS SCRIPT, JOBS SCRIPT AND MORE to provide news and related content.. Multiple themes are available to the script owner from the back-end admin area of the script.