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ZAL Viewer (Zone ALarm Log)

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Zone Alarm Logfile viewer/mailer.
Product Details

With The ZALviewer you can search through the log file looking for key word or phrase, or view the entire log in one piece. In either case, you can then mail the log out to any recipient you choose. zalviewer.pl is written specifically for Win32 machines running Zone Alarm firewall. It uses Perl/Tk. It was written because Zone Alarm's free edition does not have any kind of log viewer/email to easily see the logs, and if necessary send the logs to an abuse department. I Added a new file (new_ports.csv) which is a list of over 2300 ports, and various trojans probes associated with them. Button was added to search this list. Good if you see a log pop up with an uncommon port on it.

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Submitted on
18th October 2001
Last Updated
2nd November 2001

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