Zebra_Accordion, a tiny accordion plugin for jQuery
Zebra_Accordion is a tiny (2KB minified) accordion plugin for jQuery. It transforms a basic definition list, without requiring any other specific markup, into a small-footprint, easily configurable, fully customizable, cross-browser accordion widget, useful for better organizing larger groups of content. Features: no additional markup required other than a basic definition list; easily customizable through CSS; can be configured to work so that only a single can be expanded at a time, or so that all tabs may be expanded/collapsed; can be configured to work so tabs expand on mouse over; when, after expanding a tab, part of its content is outside the viewport, it automatically scrolls the browser's window so that the tab's content is visible; callback functions can be used for further customizations; works in all major browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8, 9)