Please find all the active listings published by info below. Publisher has posted 4 listings. You may click on a listing to visit its detail page to learn more about the listing.

E-mail marketing solution (STAR Desktop Mailings)
posted byinfoinCommunication Tools
Mass mailing software for successful e-mail marketing.
PriceEUR 49.80
Bulk text messaging software (STAR Easy Message)
posted byinfoinCommunication Tools
Gateway-independent SMS text messaging software frontend.
PriceEUR 49.80
Data vault and secure text editor (STAR My Data Safe)
posted byinfoinOrganizers
The data safe that keeps any important information private and secure !
PriceEUR 29.80
Desktop toolbox for developers, frequent writers and power users
posted byinfoinMiscellaneous
STAR My Productivity Tools is a set of utilities and apps made for frequent writers, programmers and power users working alot with the computer. Everyday.
PriceEUR 23.56