Please find all the active listings published by shajirohit below. Publisher has posted 25 listings. You may click on a listing to visit its detail page to learn more about the listing.

Crypto Coins AutoPay Matrix Script
posted byshajirohitinAd Management
Behold! The ultimate ‘granddaddy’ of matrix scripts that lets you stand out from the crowd almost immediately and lets you do more than just earn a lot of revenue.
PriceUSD 399.00
Stylish TextAds Script
posted byshajirohitinAd Management
Stylish Text Ads Script can be one of the most useful tools for any webmaster. You can define fonts,size,color of ads, number of ads to be displayed at a time, number of lines per ads etc.......
PriceUSD 59.00
Downline Builder Script
posted byshajirohitinAffiliate Programs
If you are ready to start to MAKE MONEY online, then this is the place to do it! We have many different ways that you can make money with the Downline Goldmine system, depending on your needs and on your individual situation and many more........
PriceUSD 39.00
Banner Management Script
posted byshajirohitinAd Management
Banner Management Script can be one of the most useful tools for any webmaster.(No Programming knowledge required)...................
PriceUSD 59.00
Multi Currency Matrix Script
posted byshajirohitinMulti-Level Marketing
The Best Payment Matrix Script You've Been Waiting For Is Here!
PriceUSD 499.00
Reminder Service Script
posted byshajirohitinReminders
Our Reminder Service Script allows you to run your own reminder service that allows people to join.This script is easy to install and comes with a Free Installation so if you need any help in installations we will install it for no extra cost.
PriceUSD 67.00
Fully Customised Web Site Templates
posted byshajirohitinTemplates
Are you too embarrassed to show your friends your online web site because it doesn't look as good. It's like opening shop without a sign out the front -- and you won't attract visitors that way!.....
PriceUSD 40.00
Scrolling Banner Ads
posted byshajirohitinAd Management
Scrolling Banner Ads Script is one of the most advance way to sell static and scrolling banner ads. You can define width and height of the ad box, number of ads to be displayed at a time, scrolling speed etc......
PriceUSD 79.00
MailBox Service Provider Script
posted byshajirohitinWeb-based Email
Big Size POP3 Mailboxes are still very much popular because of there continuous requirement at safe lists and safe list submitters.......
PriceUSD 97.00
ULTIMATE Daily Subs Matrix Script
posted byshajirohitinShopping Carts
The Most Profitable Way to Earn Reliable and Regular Income If you’re looking for the simplest, most straightforward way to make money, with little effort, and in the shortest amount of time possible then you’ve landed on the right page!
PriceUSD 499.00
Easy List-Builder & Autoresponder Script
posted byshajirohitinAutoresponders
Want To Build A Responsive List That You Can Profit From? Wish You Could Do It Quickly With An Affordable Outlay? You might pay for advertising that works, but what about your web page? Is it converting your prospects to customers?
PriceUSD 67.00
Bitcoin Autopay Randomizer Script
posted byshajirohitinAffiliate Programs
Introducing Bitcoin Autopay Randomizer Script. Payments Have Never Been This Easier
PriceUSD 299.00
Five Star Review Script
posted byshajirohitinReviews & Ratings
This Amazon-style Five Star Review Script allows users to rate a product or service on a scale of 1-5 stars and make comments (reviews) related to the product for other users to read.
PriceUSD 399.00
Member To Member Crowd Funding Script
posted byshajirohitinTemplates
Mega Surprise For Our Valued Clients. The Long Awaited M2M Crowd Funding Script is Here!
PriceUSD 497.00
ICO Script with ERC20 Smart Contract
posted byshajirohitinMiscellaneous
The All New ICO Script v2.0. Now Comes Packed with ERC20 Contract!
PriceUSD 999.00
Programs Rating Script
posted byshajirohitinReviews & Ratings
Stand Out From The Crowd With This Highly Rated Script!.............
PriceUSD 79.00
Straight Line Matrix Script
posted byshajirohitinMulti-Level Marketing
Exciting Fully-Featured Straight Line Matrix Script Makes It EASY To Build An Instant MLM Program That Pays! Here's A Sure Way For Your Members To Generate Multiple Cash Payments Quickly & Easily! Is It Any Wonder Why It's So Popular? ...............
PriceUSD 197.00
ULTIMATE Matrix Script
posted byshajirohitinMulti-Level Marketing
Here's How To Immediately Stand Out From The Crowd With Cutting-Edge Matrix Technology & Highly Sought After Customisation Options
PriceUSD 349.00
Ethereum Instant Payment Script
posted byshajirohitinMiscellaneous
The Next Big Thing after Bitcoin is Ethereum. And we know that. This is why, after receiving a lot of requests from our beloved users, we are now proud to present you with an instant payment script developed entirely for Ethereum lovers.
PriceUSD 299.00
Initial Coin Offering ( ICO ) Script
posted byshajirohitinMulti-Level Marketing
Raise Your Funds Hassle-Free with our ICO Script. Are you looking to raise funds via network marketing but can’t seem to find the kind of system that can help you achieve that via cryptocurrency? Well, don’t worry...
PriceUSD 699.00