Please find all the active listings published by srblair below. Publisher has posted 7 listings. You may click on a listing to visit its detail page to learn more about the listing.
Smart Links by Allembru
posted bysrblairinContent Management
With Smart Links by Allembru you can dynamically insert links throughout all of your Wordpress posts without ever having to edit a single post!
Social Score PHP Class (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin)
A simple class that will return the Social Score of a website URL. You can also use this class to display the individual score, likes, +1's, tweets or shares from Facebook, Google+, Twitter and LinkedIn.
US State Drop Down List PHP Function
posted bysrblairinForm Processing
This is a simple function that returns state names and their abbreviations in an array. This is a very useful function that can save you loads of time when you have to make a us state drop down list for a form.
Dynamic Descriptions for Search Results
How to serve up dynamic descriptions for your search results, display the text in front of and after the user's search query and even highlight the words they are searching for.
Simple jQuery Tooltip by Allembru
posted bysrblairinLinks & Buttons
This is a very basic tooltip using CSS and jQuery.
Delayed Download Javascript by Allembru
posted bysrblairinContent Management
If you have downloads available on your website, implementing a delayed download can be great nu-intrusive way to give your visitors what they are looking for (the download) while also giving your advertisers a few seconds of extra face-time.
Simple Social
posted bysrblairinSite Recommendation & Sharing
The Simple Social by Allembru Wordpress plugin is a quick and easy way to add social sharing buttons to your posts.