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Listings by flabell

Please find all the active listings published by flabell below. Publisher has posted 53 listings. You may click on a listing to visit its detail page to learn more about the listing.

Number of Listings:
Basic XML Image Gallery
posted byflabellinComponents
This is a highly customizable thumbnail gallery, with a minimalist UI.
PriceUSD 12.00
(0 ratings)
Autoplay Flash XML Images Gallery
posted byflabellinComponents
This is an interactive Flash XML Image Gallery, containing a list of images defined in a XML file, an intuitive navigation and many customizable features.
PriceUSD 10.00
(0 ratings)
Carousel like Thumbnail Scroller
posted byflabellinComponents
This is a highly customizable thumbnail gallery, which can be used either as it is in html projects, or inside your Flash projects, by replacing the links with different function calls, as you need.
PriceUSD 6.00
(0 ratings)
AS3 Radio Buttons Group
posted byflabellinComponents
This is a minimalist radio buttons group - highly customizable - easy to integrate in any AS3 Flash project.
PriceUSD 6.00
(0 ratings)
AS3 Contact Form
posted byflabellinComponents
This contact form lists all modules that you can use. By editing the XML file, you can enable modules such as: dropdown, textfield, checkbox and radio groups.
PriceUSD 7.00
(0 ratings)
XML HTML Text Scroller
posted byflabellinComponents
This flash text scroller comes with a lot of features which can easily be changed using the XML file.
PriceUSD 7.00
(0 ratings)
XML Animated Bar Chart
posted byflabellinComponents
This chart is useful for displaying data as vertical bars.
PriceUSD 14.00
(0 ratings)
AS3 Send To Friend
posted byflabellinComponents
This is a basic send to friend form, with a minimalist design.
PriceUSD 5.00
(0 ratings)
Mp3 Player with Playlist from Flabell
posted byflabellinComponents
This is fully customizable MP3 Player, built with support for multiple songs.
PriceUSD 15.00
(0 ratings)
Flash Mp3 Player With Bars Visualizer
posted byflabellinComponents
This Flash Mp3 Player has a sound visualizer which reacts when you drag the volume bar, based on the bit rate of your song.
PriceUSD 10.00
(0 ratings)
Flash Mp3 Player with Speed Pitching
posted byflabellinComponents
Flash Mp3 Player with Speed Pitching, controlled by a scrub bar built into the player.
PriceUSD 8.00
(0 ratings)
Flash News Banner
posted byflabellinComponents
This component allows you to display news captions by different categories.
PriceUSD 13.00
(0 ratings)
Flash Video Player with Playlists
posted byflabellinComponents
This component allows you to open multiple videos in a single compact component.
PriceUSD 29.00
(0 ratings)
RESULTS 41 - 53 OF 53