Please find all the active listings published by ScriptDir below. Publisher has posted 765 listings. You may click on a listing to visit its detail page to learn more about the listing.
jQuery Horizontal Drop-Down Menu
posted byScriptDirinNavigation
The script is a complex jQuery horizontal menu plugin with an unlimited number of submenus, easy to integrate.
PriceUSD 5.00
Scrooge JS
posted byScriptDirinMiscellaneous
A Javascript tool for adding referral information to correspondent links.
PriceUSD 4.00
Do you have an input box, where you would like to help your user type in some data? Pickled can help you, in an unobtrusive way!
PriceUSD 5.00
Sticky Footer
posted byScriptDirinMiscellaneous
This Sticky Footer can contain any kind of content and is ready to be used in your website. You can build your own menu and use from 1 to 12 columns to display your content.
PriceUSD 6.00
Progress Bar
posted byScriptDirinMiscellaneous
JavaScript Rich Progress Bar for displaying level of completion, loading, copying or installation.
PriceUSD 5.00
Thumbnail Scroller (jQuery Plugin / XML)
This jQuery Plugin is ideal if you need a fast and very customizable Thumbnail Scroller.
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery Sliding Puzzle
posted byScriptDirinMiscellaneous
Sliding puzzle game with an infinite amount of images.
PriceUSD 5.00
posted byScriptDirinAnimation & Effects
skinableTabs is an unobtrusive jQuery plugin allowing you to organize your content in attractively skinned tabs.
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery Flying Popup
posted byScriptDirinWindows and Overlays
Allows to show floating HTML popups that follow page scroll/resize (also static HTML popups can be shown when desired).
PriceUSD 4.00
PhotoShow is a plugin for jQuery that makes it easy to create a simple and elegant photo gallery wit
PriceUSD 6.00
JQuery Ajax Slide Content
posted byScriptDirinUser Interface & Layout
This script is an JQuery plugin allow you to load your main content dynamically with ajax technology.
PriceUSD 4.00
Twitter Ultimate-jQuery Plugin
posted byScriptDirinMiscellaneous
A jQuery plugin for realtime incoming tweets,live tweets
PriceUSD 4.00
A ready to use jQuery image zooming plugin to present your images in the highest detail without leaving the page.
PriceUSD 7.00
Easy jQuery MediaGallery
With MediaGallery you can create a list of youtube/vimeo video’s very easily.You only have to add the links/users you want to include in your list to an element in your page an MediaGallery will do the rest.
PriceUSD 4.00
Fancy Portfolio - jQuery plugin
Fancy Portfolio is a jQuery plugin that lets you create a stylish portfolio in seconds. It´s highly customizable and very easy to use.
PriceUSD 5.00
Mega Pull Out Menu
posted byScriptDirinNavigation
Pull out menu that allows you to put any content you want in it – a true mega menu
PriceUSD 6.00
posted byScriptDirinWindows and Overlays
DRIFT is a jQuery plugin designed for use with elements that remain relevant to the user throughout their scrolling experience
PriceUSD 8.00
aTip: the 1KB tooltip
posted byScriptDirinAlerts & Prompts
If you want quick, neat and clean pure JS tooltips that support all modern browsers (and most old ones) then aTip is the solution.
PriceUSD 4.00
The Wall - Media Gallery - jQuery powered
“The Wall” is the ultimate interactive media gallery for your site presentation.
PriceUSD 5.00
jQuery iNav - Products Showcasing Navigation
posted byScriptDirinNavigation
iNav is a jQuery plugin that let you to create an amazing animated Menu (even with multiple menus) or Items Showcasing.
PriceUSD 5.00