It does not work! Avoid this script.
Reviewed byAnonymouson Fri, 26th January 2007
At first glance it all looked ok, and installed ok. However, if you try to add money to a user account (allowing you to make money from lsitings) paypal passes you back and it says 'money added' but the script never adds it. If have involved paypal in checking the IPN set-up and they say the script itself is flawed. The whole script is pointless due to this. A bit of digging reveals softbizscripts are in India, do not sort things out and ignore you. Terrible waste of money. DO NOT BUY.
Not worth the headache
Reviewed byAnonymouson Mon, 9th May 2005
This company's tech/customer support is so bad I think its one guy running the whole opperation....and thats still no excuse. Not only do they take a week to answer one question, he is rude and unhelpful. There is no user manual of any kind(its all about figuring it out on your own), the online "demo" is all they have and its not a tutorial just a preview of the script in a browser.
The scripts lack standard features that others have and the only thing you can change on the template from the admin panel is the color, and typed content, so your site will have the same look as all of their other customers.
They offer customizing services...suprise, but based on the poor customer service this looks to be a nightmare. Now I know why they only offer paypal to for orders, not reputable enough for direct credit card systems is my opinion.