A mediocre script with potential.
Reviewed byAnonymouson Sun, 5th May 2002
You want a no cost classified ads script with many features. This is it, but it is difficult to configure.
This script has many categories and ability to upload photos and multimedia files such as mp3 and wav. The free version is missing some important features: no privacy e-mail, no updates by the advertiser, and no search. Pages show no thumbnails; it is neccessary to click each ad to view the photos.
The biggest problem is installing the script. It has too many files and you must configure the scripts one by one. A browser based administration and configuration would help much. The HTML in each script must be changed and tested, if you want to match your website. This is not an easy script for beginners.
After several days of frustration, the script worked well and looked fine. The price is good and if you have time and patience you can have a decent ads script.