Paypall only
Reviewed byAnonymouson Thu, 12th November 2009
This shop has an INTEGRATED cart for Paypall only. So customers can only pay by Paypall. How many customers will have this or take the trouble of creating an Paypall account? The want to order, now! Not fille in endless forms.
Further on it has a login for customers. Many shops have it, I know but my customers complain over the various logincodes they have to store. Goes for everybody I guess but it is anoying. Logins should be optional, for returning customers.
The shopping Cart procedure is very long ( 5 steps), too long. Customers want fast and easy buying, just a few clicks and ready.
I wanted to use it for a (second hand & stockload) book store and for a store in used car parts. Therefore I do not have to depend on storage numbers. But many features in this shop cannot be disabled. Another anoying bit of developping. The only thing you make as a developper is a tailormade shop only suitable for a few business. With the Paypall thing in place, useless!
Anyway, a complete waste of my time, this shopping cart.