Most Popular Plugins
X-Wireless Bulk SMS Excel Plugin
posted bypeterfadainMiscellaneous
Overview: SMS Excel API
X-Wireless SMS Excel API/Plugin allows users to send SMS from Excel sheet directly. As most Professionals use MS Excel for organizing their data; X-Wireless SMS, along with its feature to send SMS from Excel, empowers all users to save precious time and become more productive.
Our SMS Excel API can be directly integrated with Microsoft Excel and one can send different SMS to different mobile number at once.
If a School wants to send students the results of the recently held exam, it can send personalized bulk SMS by mentioning the name of each Student, his/her marks in each subject, total percentage achieved.
Sample Message: “Dear Frank, your 1st Term result. Eng=75, French= 63, Agric=77, Math=88, Science=91, Soc. Science=71. Percentage=77.5%"
Wp Auto Affiliate Links
posted bythedark1inAffiliate Programs
With Wp Auto Affiliate Links you can automatically add affiliate links to your old content. It will save you hours of your time. What you have to do is to access the plugin management page add the keywords you want your link to appear and then add the url you want the visitors to be sent when they click on the link.
Your content will not be modified in any way, the links are added when a page is viewed only, so your content will remain intact and if you deactivate the plugin then all the links will dissapear.
You can edit and delete your added links, set the maximum times a keyword is replaced on any page and you can select posts that you want to be excluded from the replacement engine.
Polldaddy Polls & Ratings for Wordpress
posted byhseditorinPolls & Votings
The Polldaddy Polls and Ratings plugin allows you to create and manage polls and ratings from within your WordPress dashboard. You can create polls, choose from 20 different styles for your polls, and view all results for your polls as they come in. All Polldaddy polls are fully customizable, you can set a close date for your poll, create multiple choice polls, choose whether to display the results or keep them private. You can also create your own custom style for your poll.
WordPress Move
posted byhseditorinMigration & Conversion
WordPress Move is a migration assistant for WordPress that is capable of changing the domain name in use and/or migrating your installation to another server either as is or based on your choices. In addition to these, you can use WordPress Move to transfer your database or create backups of your installation. For further information on using the plugin, please refer to the documentation provided with the plugin.
JPromoter - SEF/SEO Component for Joomla!
posted byjequipmentinJoomla / Mambo Modules
An important factor for Joomla powered website is creating SEF and user understandable URLs that is not possible to do by means of core Joomla. JPromoter is powerful but still easy to use component creating SEF URLs on page display for core Joomla and for all third party components. What is more JPromoter is a powerful SEO tool. SE Simulation allows to scan site the same manner Search Engine does. This simulation will show you pages� sizes, load speed, error codes 404, 301, images info and much more information. Basing on this information you can optimize the pages adding meta title, meta description and key words.
PriceUSD 25.00
Simple Subforums For Nuke
posted byMetalHellsAngelinPHP-Nuke Addons
Pentapenquins Simple Subforums Ported to work with phpnuke. A Simple Subforums MOD that doesn't include any extras and makes only one small database change. It supports only one level deep subforums that should be enough for most forums.
posted bybrianinPHP-Nuke Addons
Help Desk is a contact mail form for your PHP-NUKE site with a twist. It allows your site users to contact a specific department on your site so the right questions go to the right person. It includes a level of importance 1-5 so you can sort out the urgent messages from the not so important ones. Users can decide if they want to be contacted via email or phone and have the option to leave their phone number. The users inquiry is mailed with detailed stats/info. Other features include things like members email is automatically printed in text field when signed in, Members ID# is printed and detects when a user is not a member or member is not logged in.
Free Advanced Portfolio
posted byextstoreinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Advanced Portfolio is the perfect starting point for users to build a cool portfolio on Joomla websites. It allows you to set up everything in minutes and is highly flexible to fit your business. Projects layout was designed in classic, neat yet professional style. Each thumbnail is a single project that displays images/video, description and external link.
And yes, Advanced Portfolio is Joomla 3.x native and FREE to download.
Advanced Portfolio allows you to set up everything in minutes and is highly flexible to fit your business. Projects layout was designed in classic, neat yet professional style. Each thumbnail is a single project that displays images/video, description and external link.
Mivhak Syntax Highlighter
posted byaskupainMiscellaneous
Have you been looking for a syntax highlighter that is safe to use on both the visual and the HTML WordPress editor? What about a tool that highlights your syntax While writing your code, and also checks for syntax errors?
Well, look no further. Mivhak is a lightweight syntax highlighter for WordPress, based on a slightly modified version of the great Ace Code Editor. Mivhak comes with a simple settings panel that allows the user to setup basic plugin behavior and appearance.
Additionally, code can be easily inserted to both the HTML and the visual editor using a TinyMCE popup the features live syntax highlighting and error checking for 100+ languages.
connectDaily Web Calendar for WordPress
posted bygsextoninCalendars & Events
connectDaily for WordPress brings the power of connectDaily to WordPress. There are a lot of calendar plugins out there. What makes our calendar better
than others?
Features: We have more features than any other calendar for WordPress. Features like text message reminders, social networking support, iCalendar export, recurring import, resource management, and a lot more.
Support: We offer unlimited telephone and Email support.
You can download and start using connectDaily today!
Facebook Fanbox
posted byextstoreinJoomla / Mambo Modules
Facebook Fanbox is a social module that allows fanpage owners to attract and gain likes by displaying Facebook Fanbox/Likebox on Joomla websites.
Magento Lucky Draw extension
posted bymagestoreinAdvertising
Lucky Draw extension helps you create lucky draw programs and reward customers who own prize codes.
Game interface.
Verify winner by national identification.
Refer friends through email or social channels to get more lucky codes.
Redeem failed codes for credit toward purchases.
PriceUSD 149.00
MageBox Gallery Magento Extension
MageBox Gallery extension replaces native Magento product image gallery with Web 2.0 feature rich image gallery which includes automatic slideshow option and keyboard controls. MageBox Gallery is even smoother than Lightbox image gallery replacement for Magento.
PriceUSD 59.00
Global Link / URL Sharing module for PHPNuke 7.*
posted bylilc420inPHP-Nuke Addons
This module was created to increase your link popularity (A hyper link pointing to your site from another site). Inbound links effect your link popularity and your rankings in many search engines such as Google, MSN, Yahoo, HotBot, etc. Many search engines use Link Popularity as a factor for determining page rank.
The way this works is as follows. If 100 websites use this module and all 100 sites are listed in the list, then each site is linked to 100 times.. and so on.
Sooo... the more sites that use this module the more popular that site will be. The best part about it is, you do not have to do anything but upload and activate the module. All emails from the form are sent to me, the links file is stored on my server and the links are updated by me. So as sites are added to the list, the list changes dynamically on your site.
Cool vBulletin Addons
posted byhaitiwebsinvBulletin Mods
Transform any forums into a magazine.
Dynamic slideshow.
Split threads into multipages.
Display attachments anywhere, any position in your threads.
Add a small caption under any image.
And more ...
PriceUSD 20.00
Survey 080
posted byulisoftinphpShop Modules
the survey Module allows to add surveys / product ratings to your website.
Modules and Functions for phpShop all versions
posted byulisoftinphpShop Modules
the following modules and functions are available for free download
ip to country, news ticker, donate function
FCKNuke Platinum V2fc
posted bycomputrguruinPHP-Nuke Addons
FCKNuke Platinum puts a WYSIWYG HTML editor into PHP-Nuke in many modules. Security is maintained by restricing what HTML the average user can add while still allowing the site admin to enter ANY HTML.
FCKNuke Platinum is built on FCKeditor. This editor will work in IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+ and Netscape 7+. it will run on Windows, Linux, or MAC.
FCKNuke Platinum requires no changes to PHP-Nuke's Database. Minimal changes were made to files. This will help reduce the possibility of conflicts with other additions.
Finally FCKNuke Platinum is easily upgradeable as new versions are released.
Find Domains
posted byFuNEnD3RinphpBB Modules
This mod will simply add a domain search field to your header or ezportal for your users to search and purchase available domains from your forums. It also provides a useful namespin function that creates a randomly generated domain that is available based on the keywords you enter. You can also look up additional information about domains as well. This would work on any page on your site that supports html.