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Results 101-120 of 1000
osCommerce Skins
osCommerce Skins is a multi-platform compatible program that provides you with the tools and resources to set up your online stores with good looking designs, great features and fast time-to-market. While all the robust features of original osCommerce program are retained, our value proposition is designer looks + added features! Our range of osCommerce Skins products comprises osCommerce Templates/Skins, Graphic Addons, Flash Components, Business Specific Ready Stores for Vertical Markets and specially crafted enhanced editions of osCommerce.
(9 ratings)
Support Tickets
Support Tickets is a WordPress plugin which allows you to create and manage a simple support ticket system or helpdesk system on your WordPress. If you are offering a support service and are looking for a simple tool to help you with that, Support Tickets is an excellent choice.
(9 ratings)
phpShop Ticket Module
this module allows the communication between customer and shop-administration via db if new tickets are existing when admin logs in, he gets an info-display and an email notification about new tickets.
(9 ratings)
GD Star Rating
GD Star Rating plugin allows you to set up rating system for posts, pages and comments in your blog. You can set many options for displaying the rating stars, and also add widgets into the sidebars for displaying top ratings and other statistics generated by the plugin.
(9 ratings)
anti Spam Mechanism
Uses PHP4 to generate a graphic displaying a code that can only be read by humans. Helps to prevent bots and autosubmitters from spamming registration/sign-up forms, link submissions etc.
(9 ratings)
xDoc is a phpCMS-PlugIn that allows you to offer your users bigger documents (content) in an easy way. It will display a link on the header of the content (the first line). If a user clicks on this link, the same page will load with the header showing the content.
(9 ratings)
FMovies Clone - Cover Image
FMovies Clone
FMovies WordPress Clone is based on the design of the popular site FMovies. Created with bootstrap 4.5 library, mobile friendly, simple, fast, lightweight and functional template and allows you to create a movie, tv series & anime database, such as Flixhq, FMovies, Himovies, 123movies, Moviestars ecc… Maybe you should create a worthy competitor and become the largest site? Then let's begin! Native WordPress Code Extra powerful, sharp and diverse native WordPress theme with clean and tidy design created with the latest bootstrap libraries. Fully Responsive This theme looks amazing either on phone, pc, tablet and console, so you don’t have to worry about it. Seo Optimized If your SEO WordPress theme isn’t optimized for SEO its pages will struggle to rank well in SERPs. Optimized Speed The theme has been optimized, with a better speed than other movie and series themes, to leave your visitors with a good experience. Admin panel Rich theme options to customize your site according to your need, you can change and modify as many settings as you like with the powerful admin panel built into the theme. Translatable You can translate the theme into any language in the world in seconds thanks to the translate function of the theme. Filter module We’ve also introduced features like sort by: genre, year, country, language, type and more… Ajax Report video module Lets your visitors report broken or missing videos! User favorite Users are able to add movies and TV show to their favorite without registration. Advanced AJAX Live Search Search in movies, tv series, actors, directors and more with advanced caching technology an poster image precaching. Bulk import movies, tv series & anime With the new built-in premium importer plugin included in the theme, you can instantly import movies and seroesfrom the largest online movie database, with just one click, with no credit system, no connection to any server (like dbmvs for example), whenever you want and as many times as you want, forever. One click data generator If you want to add movies, serues manually you can create them with a single mouse click! You will not have to worry about anything, just enter the IMDb id of the movie or the TMDb id of the tv show and the posts will be automatically created in a second. Admin Post TMDB ajax search Movie & TV Show generator (NEW!) Search and automatically create movies and TV series directly from the post editor using the new TMDB ajax search generator, it takes less than a second, just type in the title of the movie or TV series and click on the result. Auto embed Auto embed thousands of movies & tv shows available on multiple servers. Lets your visitors choose from popular video streaming servers. With the autoembed module you will never have to take care of uploading movies or searching links. Provide fresh and working videos with the best available quality from multiple servers with multiple subtitles and languages. Manual switch module Choose whether to use auto embed for individual posts or activate manual mode and insert your video links.
(8 ratings)
PriceUSD 80.00
Google Maps for Hot Property (Joomla)
Nice Addon Script to integrate Google Maps in Hot Property (Mosets, Joomla). Full automatic resolved Coords for your Property with Overview Map Markers with additional Informations. A must have for all Hot Property Users, they want to integrate Google Maps in Mosets Real Estate Component. Now with Overview Map of all Properties an additional Informations. Support Site is Online now (31.01.08)
(7 ratings)
PriceEUR 45.00
phpBB Fetch All
phpBB Fetch All is a modification to phpBB that displays data from the forum on any page of a website. It supports all phpBB versions from the 2.0.x branch.
(7 ratings)
coppermine for php-nuke 1.3.2
Coppermine for php-nuke 1.3.2 is free software and is being released under the GNU GPL license. It is encouraged that you make modifications to its source. We encourage you to share changes you make to Coppermine to enhance its functionality and direct your friends to download Coppermine. More details can be found within the license file distributed along with Coppermine or on our community. Coppermine is provided "as is" and without any warranty. Any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the authors be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages arising in any way out of the use or misuse of this package. No warranty provided.
(7 ratings)
phpwsBB: phpWebSite Bulletin Board
phpwsBB is a native bulletin board module for the phpWebSite content manage system, version 0.9.2 or later.
(7 ratings)
Magnish Realty
Magnish Realty is your module to manage you online listings. Though it is not complete I decided to release it because I�m not sure when will I have time to complete it. If any one has time to work on it with me let me know at [email protected].
(7 ratings)
Joomla Flash Uploader
The Joomla Flash Uploader is the Joomla component of the TWG Flash Uploader. You now have the possibility to upload files to your web server the easiest way possible. You simply select the files you want to upload and thats it. No upload HTML form anymore where you have to upload each file individually. You only need Flash 8 or higher installed to use this component. You can upload files in the backend of Joomla AND you can offer this in the front-end for your users as well. You can create upload profiles and assign them to your joomla users. This gives you the possibility to give e.g. every of your users a different upload directory and/or different rights/functions. Uploading was never easier!
(6 ratings)
FlippingBook joomla extension
FlippingBook Joomla! Extension can be used to create a series of books and bind each one to a menu item. The extension has a variety of settings to allow the virtually unlimited personalization of your books, for example by selecting your own background, changing shadow parameters, adding flipping sounds, setting animation speeds, and many other parameters. The default settings offer an ideal balance and would suit most projects.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 30.00
vBulletin Chat Module of 123 Flash Chat
It can add a live chat room to vBulletin forum seamlessly, multiple skins and user integrated. A chat room makes vBulletin more interactive, it will boost traffic as well as revenue to your website, and will increase user loyalty. So what the module can add to vBulletin? It adds a chat button which links to a fabulous chat room, server based on Java and clients written in flash or HTML/Ajax, and a visual setting panel, etc.
(6 ratings)
MRWhois as PHP-Nuke module
This is the PHP-Nuke module version of MRWhois. It is easy to install. Nothing has to be changed, just upload two files and you are ready to go. Instructions included.
(6 ratings)
StarTrack Shipping Extension
Now you can add the real time quotes/charges for star Track shipping services available in Australia to your online store! Our StarTrack shipping extension can add this functionality to your online store! Just configure this magento extension and it will display you the exact rates of star track shipping for various destinations within Australia.
(6 ratings)
PriceUSD 99.00
123 Flash Chat for PHPBB (2 choices)
1) It can display following data in phpBB: * connection number * logon user number * chat room number * chatter name list in all rooms. 2) Auto-login. Once logged in phpBB, a user does't have to enter their username or password again to access chat. Online Demo 1) phpBB integrated demo For PHPBB 3: http://phpbb3.123flashcha t.com/ For PHPBB 2: http://phpbb.123flashchat .com/ 2) General demo of 123 Flash Chat server software http://www.123flashchat.com/demo.html You can select skin and language,and customize features.
(6 ratings)
SOBI2 Review & Rating Plugin
SOBI Review & Rating Plugin for SOBI2. Allows adding reviews and votes from users (registered or not - adjustable) to the SOBI2 entries. The reviews are shown in the backend within the corresponding entry where they can be deleted and edited. Layout adjustable via CSS file. Possible settings: - Allow Anonymous Reviews - Publish Reviews Automatically - Allow Multiple Reviews - Show Individual Votes - Show Email Address - Notify Admin about new Reviews - Notify Author of Entry about new Review
(6 ratings)
A calendar addon for PostNuke. New Version available: - MultiLanguage appointments - MultiLanguage holydays (also the variable Holydays like the esterdays) - test and download available at technikz.de
(6 ratings)
Results 101-120 of 1000