Most Popular Scripts | ASP
Chat Using ASP & XML
posted bywebmasterinChat Scripts
This article presents a nice little chat system that uses Microsoft's XMLHTTP Object to transfer the messages and user list. It features public as well as private modes, and is currently configured so that the browser requests the current users list from the server every 5 seconds. This article assumes that you are familiar with ASP, XML and HTML.
ASP Template
posted bytanisinContent Management
ASP Template is a library that enables software engineers to write ASP code without embedding it into HTML pages. With ASP Template you write the code and reference special tags that are inside your HTML templates. All HTML templates can be directly designed by web designers and every place where dynamic content should go can be referenced by putting a simple text tag. If you already worked with PHPLib under PHP you know what I mean.
Dreamweaver ASP Link Calendar
Dreamweaver ASP Link Calendar is a calendar that can be inserted into your web pages from Dreamweaver and managed from a visual administration interface that allows to link web pages to dates, allowing you to implement easily calendar-based web sites.
PriceUSD 29.99
JiRos Payment Manager - with PayPal IPN
posted byRobertssoninPayPal
With JiRo�s Payment Manager and a PayPal Premier or Business account, you can verify credit card payment in REAL-TIME. As soon as your customers makes purchases in your Paypal "cart" or "buy now" button all transaction details is stored in your database and allows them to download your downloadable e-Goods as soon the payment is complete! Have complete reporting showing payments and orders received from your customers!
PriceUSD 29.95
TDE ASP Website Editor
posted byyosmanyinWYSIWYG Editors
TDE ASP Website Editor is a script with Dreamweaver integration available that allows to create editable areas into your web pages that can be modified from a visual online interface, directly from the web browser. With this tool you can offer your clients the possibility of update their web pages directly without requiring advanced HTML skills and, at the same time, protecting the site structure and design. ASP scripts are required in order to edit and display the contents; however you can also apply this script on static HTML pages since there is an option that allows to load the contents with client-side scripts. No programming skills are required to install and use this tool.
PriceUSD 29.99
Maxtricity Tagger
posted byMaxtricity.cominChat Scripts
The Maxtricity Tagger is a small ASP script that includes 3 pages for use, an Access Database for data storage, and a folder of smiley images. With this script, users can post small messages on your website for other users to read and respond to. It includes an admin section to edit and delete messages. It is very easy to integrate into an existing user or admin system. Hope you enjoy it!
Web Wiz Guide Discussion Forum
posted bybruceinForums & Online Communities
Friendly ASP and Web Development forums where you can get your questions answered by professionals. You can also download the code to this feature packed discussion forum to use on your own site.
UltraEasy Shopping Cart
posted byultraeasyinE-Commerce
How to build a simple shopping cart with UltraDev 4 and some "Cut 'n Paste" ASP code. Part of the ongoing "UltraDev-UltraEasy" series of tutorials. This tutorial covers the building of a basic E-Commerce site consisting of Product Management, Product Catalogue, Shopping Cart, Checkout and mailing the Orders and Confirmations. Source code available for download.
Response Write Generator
Response Write Generator handles complete source. Paste the complete source of an .asp page and the script will convert all the html to response.write statments but will still keep the asp source intact.
Screen Size Viewer - Webmaster Tool
Screen Size Viewer - Easily view your website at different screen resolutions. Opens multiple Internet Explorer windows at 640 by 480, 800 by 600, 1024 by 768, 1152, by 864, 1280 by 1024, or ANY size you specify. Screen size viewer is easy to use.
posted byindexesinSite Search
Real-time searching of the actual files at the time of the search. It does not pre-index or search through a database. Componitized code and extensive use of CSS for easy visual customization. Usually set up in under 15 minutes and is 100% Free.
2eNetWorX HiLiteR
posted byhakaneinMiscellaneous
HiLiteR is a new approach to the "view source" utilities by adding extensible syntax highlighting features. Although HiLiteR is not an IDE, it gives you the ability to highlight your code for publication. The parsing and hiliting engine might be used for different programming languages with some changes. Currently, HiLiteR only supports ASP, either with VBScript or JScript.
posted bysupportinCommunication Tools
ASPSMS is an ActiveX-Component for mobile phone messaging applications. It's free software, there are no setup costs and there is no monthly fee. You pay per each SMS that you send. Send SMS to more than 200 countries and 400 mobile networks. Features include: Simple Text SMS, Multiple SMS. Delivery & Buffered notification, Operator logos, Group Logos, Ringtones. Binary SMS, Alphanummeric Originator, WAP-Push (similar to MMS). Integrate ASPSMS to all platforms through XML interface. ASPSMS brings intelligence to your SMS services. People who receive an SMS from you are now able to reply directly via SMS. The reply is received by our servers and forwarded by e-mail or HTTP-Post directly to your applications. Our two-way SMS enables cross-country, cross-operator SMS services, using a single mobile number. No more keyword hassles. Get your own personal global number for a convenient price.
Yakoon Bulk SMS Gateway
posted byyakooninMiscellaneous
What is Yakoon's SMS Gateway?
Yakoon's SMS Gateway is a web service written in ASP.NET that enables you to easily send SMS messages over GSM cellular telephone networks from your local PC or network. The gateway can be accessed by HTTP protocol by submitting values by SOAP, GET and POST method to the API Server. Accessing gateway through HTTP protocol is one of the best & the fastest ways to deliver SMS messages.
Who can benefit?
Companies and Individuals who wants to stay in touch with their staff and customers for their meetings, notices and product announcements. This will help people to send portfolio information, stock quotes, price alerts and news headlines, sports scores, weather, horoscopes, classifieds exchange rates, product availability, holiday specials and mobile coupons, marketing campaigns promotional activities via coupons, special offers and incentives.
- Complete customisation and personalisation for Bulk(batch sends) or Single Messaging
- Unique Sender ID Branding (on Limited Networks)
- Supporting Text, Flash, Unicode (Arabic, Russian, Chinese etc.)
- Immediate Messaging to Global Contacts
-Easy and Immediate integration and deployment
-Zero up front cost
-Unique Fast Delivery
-Immediate Multicast Messaging Enabled
-Ready-to-use examples
posted byMightyMikeinASP
The power of PHP forums for ASP! Easy to install and configure, unlimited catagories, forums + topics, skinnable, plug-in capable, full admin tools, HTML Aliasing plus lots lots more.
StrongCube ASP Upload Component
posted bysupportinUpload Systems
Strongcube ASP Upload Component helps you to manage your upload and download files within ASP script. Very simple and easy to use. Supports multiple file uploads and save to database. Handle files located anywhere on server for download or show them directly to browser.
eWebQuiz web based quiz maker
web-based quiz maker designed to create multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, and true-or-false questionaires. eWebquiz generates the quiz HTML and show the score and answers after submission. The source code with Access or MS SQL database is available.
Google search in your site
posted bywebmasterinWeb Search
Google allow us to access to XML files with search results. In this script XMLHTTP Object is used to access this remote information, and after processing the XML file, search results are shown on your page. Just copy and paste the script.
ASP Zip Component
posted bysalesinFile Compression
ASP Zip Component is ActiveX component offering high performance WinZip�, PKZIP�, and UNIX gzip compatible compression and decompression functionality. With its reach feature set this component is ideal for ASP applications or any other software capable of using ActiveX components. High quality of this product, ease of use, free setup support and unbeatable price make ASP Zip Component the great choice for responsible project managers
Generate online Custom ASP Access Database script
posted bySatyapalinDatabase Tools
Generate ASP Access database scripts to your own custom design of your database, also in CGI-Perl and PhpMySQL, with Add, Search, Edit and Delete functions. A user can edit and delete his own record only, protection being provided by user-selected password. Search results are paginated, the number of records per page being customisable. There are two databases, one for Matrimonial, the other for Classified Advertisements. The site also has Reciprocal Links Exchange Directory