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Most Popular Scripts | ASP

Results 361-380 of 1000
IAO Login 2004 SL SP2a Fix
posted byiapaininASP
AO login is an authorization suit, which enhances the security of your private pages. It uses best security algorithms to protect your data and pages from cracker. It uses GIMPY Captcha to fight against Spam Bots and automated submitting. Users can login even in cookie disabled browsers. Feel free to manage your users at administration panel and send newsletters to your users. Add more administrators and describe their role. It doesn't use ANY DLL and hence easy to install and use own various web servers.
(9 ratings)
Dealership Software - Classifieds Software
Complete Catalog website for new or used car, motorcycles, boats, RV dealerships, and more! Flexible enough to fit ANY industry. Create and manage listings at your convenience, PLUS ... Create your own Categories Create your own Options Create your own Makes ... and much more!
(9 ratings)
Price 169.00
iStateSoft Property Manager
posted bydataxinReal Estate
iStateSoft Property Manager is a fully-rebrandable, one-stop solution, which takes care of all day-to-day operations with property rentals and keeps all property info in one place. Due to its intuitively understandable and user-friendly interface, iStateSoft Property Manager doesn�t require that you have strong computer knowledge. The newest version (2.7) includes a number of improvements on performance and functionality, several design templates you can start with, advanced admin panel with the ability to easily add/modify fields, etc.
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 399.95
Ocean12 Poll Manager Pro
An advanced voting booth/poll management program written entirely in ASP/VBScript. Features automatic zoning and template features for easy maintenance.
(9 ratings)
Price 19.95
A form for CDONTS, JMail, ASPEmail and ASPMail
A Step-by-step tutorial showing you how to create a feedback form using different email systems. Supports CDONTS, JMail, ASPEmail and ASPMail, but more can be added.
(9 ratings)
Simple Credit Card Verification
This example will not validate, process or store a credit card. It will however, verify a credit card number based on some standardized criteria. Distinct credit card types have unique prefixes (usually the 1st 4 numbers) set by the credit card companies themselves and a specific digit length for the account number. This function will check that as well as test the expiration date against today's date. This function returns True if credit card info appears to be valid or False if the information does not pass the standardized criteria established for specific credit cards.
(9 ratings)
Dynamic, database backed dropdown lists
How to build a dynamic dropdown list with ASP and database data. Then, how to use ADO and recordset filtering to produce a structured list.
(9 ratings)
Read and write windows INI files in VBS
You can read and write standard formatted windows INI configuration files with this set of functions (GetINIString / WriteINIString VBS functions).
(9 ratings)
Free copy and paste shopping card
A code generator useful for sites with small number of items to sell. Just fill a form with item name, description and price (url is optional), and you will get a complete script you may paste to your site. Easy to implement to meet your needs.
(9 ratings)
ShotGraph is a fast ASP, VB, VBScript, VBA component for creating new and modifying existing images on the fly. Features: Handles GIF, JPG, BMP, WMF, PNG, TIFF formats. Creates image thumbs. Mixes images together. Waterkarks images. Has a number of ready chart primitives (line, ellipse etc.) to draw over images. Draws texts over images.
(9 ratings)
FileUpload Class
The FileUpload Class allows users to upload files to the server. FileUpload lets the developer control the type and size of the upload as well as the upload directory and the overwrite status for already existing uploads.
(9 ratings)
Sending Mail from ASP with CDONTS.NewMail Object
The NewMail object gives you the ability to send a message within an ASP page with only few lines of code. This article will help you to understand different properties and methods of CDONTS.NewMail Object.
(9 ratings)
Virtual Real Estate Manager ( VRM )
Looking for a Real Estate Listing script? Our Virtual Real Estate Manager was developed in ASP ( Active Server Pages ) and an Access database. End User Features : � Search by Area and type of property � Listings Page includes thumbnail of the property, Short Description, city, date added and price. � Details Page includes - 4 thumbnails that open in a new window with larger view. Heading, Description of the property, Details of the property, email to a friend and request more info. Admin Features : � Add, Edit and Delete Properties - upload images � Add, Edit and Delete Categories � Add, Edit and Delete Area � Change Password VRM : Is delivered via a ZIP file. You receive this exact template with the application. Easy to customize with knowledge of html or one of the following: Design Requirements : Front page - Recommended * Macromedia Dreamweaver Configuration Requirements: Notepad WordPad
(9 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.95
Zoom Search Engine - Add search to your site with ASP!
posted byzoominSite Search
Zoom is a free package that adds a powerful custom search engine to your website. No complicated server-side setup procedures, just click and index from the convenience of your own Windows computer. Features include: "Google-like" context descriptions, wildcard and exact phrase, search logging and statistic reports, spelling suggestions, and more. Available for PHP, ASP.NET, Classic ASP, JavaScript or CGI. Commercial editions support PDF/DOC/XLS/PPT/SWF files and larger websites.
(9 ratings)
Functions and Subroutines
Basic tutorial explaining how, when, where, and why to use a Function or a Subroutine in your code. Learn how to call subroutines and functions and how to pass parameters.
(9 ratings)
PDshopPro Online Store System
PDshopPro is a complete ASP online store and shopping cart system, 100% pure .asp scripts. It features Unlimited categories, subcategories, items, featured items, Inventory/Stock control, order status, password recovery, email notifications, order confirmations, and more. The built-in HTML editor allows for full formatting control. Compatible with the popular payment processors, Choose Advanced Integration for seamless credit card processing, or use the Simple Method / Weblink. Support for most webserver email components.
(9 ratings)
Test Builder
Create and administer online tests for yourself or you business. Add, Delete, or Edit online tests and users. Users tracked by email/password or user name/password dependent on version of code used. Full support to email test results to test taker, and test administrator. Create multiple tests, limit amount of times a test can be re-taken. Use of single answer multiple guess questions, multiple answer multiple guesses questions and fill in the blank. You can use pictures or sound/video as part of questions or answers. Web based admin no need to know any Asp to administer or build or take tests.
(9 ratings)
Access remote URLs with asp
This tutorial will show you how to use XMLHTTP Object to request a page to a remote address from your server. Some copy and paste examples are included in the tutorial.
(9 ratings)
posted byinfoinWeb Sites
Web resource directory for ASP, PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and more. Also offers a forum if you're having trouble implementing the scripts.
(9 ratings)
Multi Domain Redirect
If you have multiple domain names pointing to the same web site, this simple script will allow you to redirect the user to a subdirectory based on the web address then type in the browser.
(9 ratings)
Results 361-380 of 1000