Most Popular Scripts | ASP
Softline Hit Counter
posted byscriptsinText Based
This is a simple text based counter that reads and writes to a text file.
Reciprocal Link Exchange Ultimate
posted bywsdwscriptsinLink Indexing
A Secure web based administration area with easy navigation, unlimited and fully managable hierarchy structure of categories/sub categories,a fully controlable links directory with banned word detection and snap shot previews for each website you are linking to, automated and fully managable email notifications, a multiple link checking system which allows you to detect and remove any backlinks when your site has been subsequently removed by your link partners and a fully customizable front end features that allow the application to integrate smoothly with your website.
The Link popularity checker, Alexa Rank checker, Google PageRank checker and PageRank display make link exchange a simple task with this automated link management application which works through the clock even when your system isn't running, links will be automatically approved and rejected in accordance with your requirements. Sponsered links, Google adsense, PayPal ready. For full list please visit.
PriceUSD 129.00
ASP Tutorials - Sending, Receiving Cookies, and Persistent Cookies
posted byheronginCookies & Sessions
This tutorial describes: What is a cookie? Sending and receiving cookies. Cookie properties and itemized values. Other cookie features.
posted byvhelsinginNews Publishing
Axml ASPNews is a stand-alone News Website designed for news sites of any kind(General, Politics, Sports, Music, Science, etc) especially for Newspaper Sites, although it successfully fulfills the purpose of any site. Works with MSSQL or Access Database. AXML ASPNEWS lets you publish your content on the web effectively and easily with only a couple clicks. The administration backend area is a secured area with an easy-to-use interface that will let you manage all of your content online.You can create categories, subcategories, write articles using an html WYSIWYG editor or a text editor, upload attachments etc.AXML ASPNews has features like add unlimited article languages and translations to corresponding articles, search articles with AXML ASP Search, date format style, related articles feature, image description, CSS and Includes based code design, etc.The site is language based, so you can change the language easily. activate and disactivate editions and much more.
Price 34.95
Gchats 3d Virtual Chat
posted bym_ocxinChat Scripts
Innovated 3d web-based flash chat and messenger virtual world for your website.Our clientele will be able to add customized environments or select from our templates.
Features :
- Private and Public Messaging
- Moderator options and ability to define mods
- Unlimited/Limited room capacity allowance
- Confirmation friends list and ignore option
- Customized Avatars and Customized environments
- Timed member misconduct boot
Chat history
**Free installation**
and much more...
Price 1,000.00
i-pos Internet Pay Online Store
i-pos Storefront is a asp script for Pay Pal merchants. i-pos makes it easy to sell products online without the hassle of complex web and database programming. i-pos includes currency selection, picture upload component, and a customizable storefront
Please Note this script is undergoing a major overhaul. A new release will be coming late 2005
Photo Gallery Manager by DMXReady (100% Customizable)
posted byfcalabinImage Galleries
Useful for several applications including photography portfolios, travel pics, image e-commerce, demo image display, and other image archive/retrieval uses. Store any type of file including .jpg, .gif, .png, with links to .psd, .eps, .pdf, and any downloadable file type.
1) Installs in Minutes: Unzip and upload the files to your web server.
2) 100% Source Code: Edit using Dreamweaver or any HTML editor.
3) Fully Customizable: Add your own html, jquery, ajax, css etc.
4) Plugin Ready: Add to your existing website or use to build a new site.
5) Pre-Built Database: Includes MS Access database (MySQL & MSSQL ready)
6) Fully Supported: Get support direct from DMXReady.
-- Get 10% Discount - use Coupon Code DMXREADYREFERRAL10
-- *NEW* Missing Features? No problem, DMXReady will custom add for you.
PriceUSD 79.97
Basic Form Handling
posted bylonnyinForm Processing
A quick tutorial to show you the basics of form submission and handling.
Displaying Date, Time, and Text
posted bywebmasterinDate & Time
Shows the basic methods to display date, time and text in a ASP script. Examples on different ways to display the date and time presented.
ASP Image Gallery (
posted bysupportinImage Galleries
ASP Image Gallery is an ASP based gallery script designed for easy displaying image galleries in the ASP web applications.
It is an easy to use, file-based, image gallery script. It is also a highly configurable application that automatically generates fast thumbnail indexes of a folder structure.
This robust ASP Image Gallery can be integrated seamlessly with your ASP applications. You can use ASP Image Gallery to quickly develop great looking slide shows and image galleries.
The ASP Uploader in Image Gallery allows you select and upload multiple image files and cancel running file uploads, add new files during uploading. It also supports client side validation of the file size/type before uploading.
PriceUSD 99.00
posted bymrloveinGames & Entertainment
Open source clone of the Microprose game Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
Uploading Images to Database Using Persist AspUpload
posted bywebmasterinDatabase-related
You can upload your images to MS-SQL server with this simple script. To upload a picture to sql database, be sure Persist AspUpoad installed in you server.
Designing Active Server Pages
posted bycontentinProgramming Books
Designing Active Server Pages provides an important tool for often-overworked ASP programmers: a set of techniques for making the wisest use of the technology in a production environment. Targeting an audience of readers who already are seasoned in ASP, this book explores techniques for producing "reusable and robust ASP applications." Presentation and example compose the approach here, with concise tables of information and descriptions that make the book a fast read. Topics covered: Choosing a server-side scripting language, Exception handling, Regular expressions, Building reusable forms, Reusable database administration pages, COM overview, Lesser-known Microsoft COM components, and Important third-party COM components.
Rotating Banner Ads using a Database
posted byunknowninAd Management
This tutorial shows how to create a simple Ad rotation system based on ASP-SQL Server combination. All Ad info (except images, which are asumed to be in current directory) is stored in SQL server table caled Banners. The system is intended to provide easy random rotation and counting of Ad showing and clicks.
Copy and Paste Simple Chat
posted bywebmasterinChat Scripts
This is a fully customizable ASP chat script. Simply copy and paste the code to your site and you are ready to go.
This is a full ASP script that can be used for different homepage needs, such as for a TOP-List or TOP-Site integration. Start your own TOP-List! An ideal use would be a listing of music hompages or banner advertising in which visitors' clicks are counted for ranking the pages, links, banners or sites. User can post an ad with banner or plain text. Comes with an image uploader to web server. Full Administration Control Center.
ASP Upload Component
posted bysupportinUpload Systems
ASP Upload Component is ActiveX component designed to ease access to multipart/form-data received from client's browser when developing Active Server Pages applications. With this component installed you can access multiple file uploads and other form data just the way it is done with Request object.
Helphit.COM - The Answers.... When You Need Them!!
posted byMemorixinForums & Online Communities
Providing answers to programming queries for a number of languages include Visual Basic, ASP, PHP and lots
more. Help, support, discussions and tips from fellow programmers who have managed to overcome the problems that you have run
Ocean12 Contact Manager Pro
posted bywebmasterinOrganizers
A full-featured online address book application which gives you access to your address book anywhere in the world as long as you have a connection to the internet. Written entirely in ASP/VBScript.
Price 19.95