Most Popular Scripts | ASP
ASP Product Catalog
posted byhumayun_shabbirinOnline Catalogs
ASP PRODUCT CATALOG is a database driven categorized product catalog. It uses the combination of ASP and MS ACCESS.
Purpose is this application is to enable common business owner to publish their products online. This is a very easy to install and use web application.
Software Review Code Content Management Website
posted byPhillyinContent Management
A free open-source content management application released under the GPL Content Management Software-Review is a complete software review content management website. Create your very own software review site in just minutes. Log into the web based cms control panel to quickly add, edit, or update your content.
Aurigma Image Uploader (ASP)
posted byinfoinUpload Systems
Aurigma Image Uploader is a versatile upload solution for a wide range of websites. As soon as you integrate it with your website, your users will be able to upload multiple files or folder with a single click. It has a lot of powerful features – image resize before upload, upload recovery, progress bar, and many others. Rich client and server API enables to integrate it with a website of any complexity. Compatible with all modern browsers.
PriceUSD 149.00
posted byTvAdmininOrganizers
TvAdmin is a small intranet for a tv channel, with an internal messaging service, and a daily program scheduling updater.
Views3893 is a web-based program that enables remote database management via a web browser. You can view, edit, delete and create new records in a database table. Also, you can create new tables, drop tables, add or delete columns in a table and run your own sql queries.
KazMax Class Builder
posted bysupportinDatabase Tools
KazMax Class Builder is a freeware and complete Active Server Page web site which produces a complete VbScript class for each table in a MySql or SQL Server database. Full description provided in an Adobe PDF file.
posted byclausinImage Creation
zImage allows you to resize or change images on the fly, directly in a webpage. Features: Runs in Microsoft IIS servers; Support for 7 image resizing algorithms; Image can be saved to disk or sent directly to client browser; Free rotation; Sharpening, bluring, cropping and flipping; Adjustable degree of JPEG compression. Great for CMS systems
Uploading and inserting files (binary data) to the database
posted byfaisalinDatabase-related
Step-by-step tutorial on how to upload files (images, text, other documents, etc) using plain ASP pages to the database. Every step has been explained in detail. Downloadable source code available.
Ocean12 ASP Contact Manager
posted bywebmasterinOrganizers
The Ocean12 ASP Contact Manager is an interactive address book written entirely in ASP and VBScript. It stores data in an Access 2000 database and is configured 100% through the web browser, which means an easy installation process.
posted byinfoinDatabase Tools
access2asp is a conversion tool for access databases that converts your db to clean, commented pro asp / code. It produces a 'front end' and an 'admin' section with ability to view,search,add, edit and delete. Also produces a pure asp image library and WYSIWYG editor for memo fields allowing administrators to create content reich pages with ease. All sql statements, dsnless connection, javascript validation for required fields, drop down style paging on list screens,'order by' links on list screen column names, forms in admin,css stylesheets ,search function (choose AND/OR operators), header / footer files all generated in one click. version 4.4 now includes the option to download results as excel. version 4.4 has much improved .net code that is generated making use of the accessdatasource control making the generated code easy to plug into the web matrix editor
PriceUSD 99.00
ASP Search Engine Framework
posted byaloweinSearch Engines
This is the framework for a search engine, which uses ASP to access a database via ADO. It is relatively simple and straight forward and is ready to be extended upon. It supports basic boolean operators 'AND' and 'OR'.
SQL: Sum, Average, Max, Min, Count, Detail
posted byinfoinDatabase-related
This example shows how to perform a variety of statistics on your data using simple SQL such as Sum, Average, Max, Min, and Count. It uses stock trading performance of EPOS as an example.
Uploading and Inserting Images (binary data) into Database
posted byfaisalinDatabase-related
This is a step by step tutorial on uploading and inserting binary data (images, files, etc.) into Access Database. Online demo, and sample code available for download.
Object-Oriented ASP Calendar
posted bywicked_pisserinCalendars
This tutorial shows how to use a VBScript Class to create calendar based applications quickly so you can focus on functionality rather than worry about what weekday the 1st of January falls on. Some of this calendar features include: Easy positioning and sizing to best suit your application's needs,
Dynamic cell width and font scaling based on the size of your calendar, Current day highlighting and activity scheduling capability, Customizable actions for events such as OnNextMonthClick, OnPrevMonthClick and OnDayClick, and Customize titlebar and font color as well as font face.
Authentication Tutorial
posted bywebmasterinUser Authentication
This is a quick and easy guide to building an authentication system in ASP. First, it explains Authentication: What it is, how you work with it, and what options are currently available to you. Then, it explains each choice in more detail to help you decide which is the best way for you to authenticate your web users.
DevASP Discussion Forum
posted bywebmasterinForums & Online Communities
This forum by DevASP features three main discussion boards for ASP developers: General ASP Discussion, Database Discussion, and Visual Interdev Discussion.
Creating Excel Reports with ASP
posted bystevenatorinMiscellaneous
This tutoral shows a simple method of turning HTML reports into Excel reports, and for moving calculations from the server to the client, using Excel functions. It allows the server to dynamically create Excel reports without taking up any space on the server. It also allows multiple concurrent users to receive these reports simultaneously. Lastly, the generated reports can be complete with Excel formulas, which allows intensive calculations to be moved to the client side. This method only works with Excel 97 or later.
Download Page that Displays Available Files Automatically
posted byhermanlinDownload Systems
This is an .asp page that allows you to provide file download capabilities for your site without having to constantly update the page with your file list. It does this by reading the file names in the directory you specify as the download directory, then contructing the appropriate URLs.
Easy Graphic Page Counter
posted bysupportinImage Based
This very simple page counter will count hits on a .asp page and display the result in graphic format. Can be used to count multiple pages. Uses the FileSystemObject to create/edit text files on the server.
A Text-Based Search Engine
Have you wanted to allow your users to search through your website, checking for files that contain a particular string? Using the FileSystemObject, you can search through all of the files in a particular directory that contain a particular string. To allow for this functionality, you will need two ASP pages: one that presents the user a form to enter the string they wish to search for; the second needs to take this string, iterate through all of the files in a particular folder, and determine which of these files contain the string. This tutorial shows you how.