Most Popular Scripts | ASP
Shopping Cart
If you are looking for a sophisticated, yet user friendly ecommerce system, Magicway Shopping Cart is for you. Our storefront software integrates...
Price 125.00
ASP Uploader (
posted bysupportinUpload Systems
ASP Uploader is an easy to use, hi-performance ASP File Upload Solution ever!
It allows you select and upload multiple files and cancel running uploads, add new files during uploading.
ASP Uploader is written in pure ASP script. It doesn't require third-party components on the IIS server.
PriceUSD 99.00
IP Address to Country City ISP & Domain in ASP
posted byFraudLabsinMiscellaneous
This is ASP script to enable lookup of country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ISP and domain name from IP address by using IP2Location database. Free sample database available at m.
The script supports several database types such as Microsoft Access, MS SQL and mySQL. Internet geolocation has been widely used in the products or projects below.
1) Select the geographically closest mirror
2) Analyze your web server logs to determine the countries
3) Credit card fraud detection
4) Software export controls
5) Display native language and currency 6) Prevent password sharing and abuse of service 7) Geo-targeting in advertisement
PriceUSD 799.00
Emefa Guestbook
posted byGodfatherGinGuestbooks
If you have already tested version 1 Beta, this is a steady version of the earlier release Emefa guestbook. This version includes record counter and a page navigation control. Best run on IIS, the scripts contained are VBScript and JavaScript for input field validation. This is one of the best choices of nicely arranged guestbook scripts. Try it.
- ASP Upload - shareware from Centricorp
posted bybenadamsinUpload Systems
ASP Upload - shareware for IIS Centricorp's ASP Upload 1.0 is a useful tool for ASP website developers and web masters. The three ASP files allow visitors to upload files from their local hard drive directly to the web server. No components to install!
Displaying Sub Folders
posted byinfoinFile Manipulation
Following example displays all sub folders in current folder. We will use SubFolders property of FileSystem Object for this source code. First we will find our current path using System.MapPath.
FunkyASP Topsite
By adding a Topsite/Toplist to your site you can generate extra traffic and relationships between you and similar websites. Fully configurable, HTML Template driven, Anti Cheat System, Access and MySQL compatable, Full Administration Section. Check the website for more information.
Price 30.00
Compacting an Access database from ASP code
posted byinfoinDatabase-related
This source code can compact and repair your MS-Access database files. If you compact your access files regularly, it will work more faster and secure. Also you will save some hard disk space.
GNEWS Publisher
posted bywebmasterinNews Publishing
Built for ASP.NET and Active Server Page platform, utilize high-technology for automation, information centralization, and information sharing for your site. Contact immadiately your clients online. Provides you to manage a dynamic web site. GNEWS allows you to manage your content within a full database-driven management system. You can divide your content into categories: news to news category, press releases to anothor category as "Press Rleases" category. You can use Gnews in a news portal project to serve your clients 24 hours / 7 day. RSS grapper is a good way to take content from other networks. Script can create search engine friendly pages and helpful for your online success.
Data Grid Class
posted bynickpixelinDatabase Tools
The developer writes "After playing with ASP .NET's Data Grid, I figured I'd create something similar for use with ASP. I've begun by creating the properties and methods to reproduce the most commonly used and useful features of .NET's data grid." Easy to run examples included. Updated 10/28! 2nd version which allows column headers to be rendered as sort by links. Updated 12/27! Now can customize error message and display. Updated 2/21! Class optimized.
UltraEasy Forum
posted byultraeasyinDiscussion Boards
Build a fully functional ASP Forum (Message Board) with UltraDev and some Microsoft Access trickery. Part of the ongoing "UltraDev - UltraEasy" series of tutorials. All the files for this project (including the database) are available for download and can be used as a stand alone, fully customizable, ASP forum.
PCS WebCharts Pro
posted bysupportinGraphs & Charts
PCS WebCharts is a charting solution for web developers that uses Active Server Pages and server-side Visual Basic Script (VBScript) to create dynamic bar and column charts (including stacked and 100% stacked charts). No ActiveX or Java controls are used, nor are multiple image files used to create the graphical display � only ASP that creates pure HTML.
Smart Guest Book - ASP & Flash Guest-Book
posted byanitainGuestbooks
This Flash & ASP Guest-Book has interactive, animated & multiple entry display interface choices, password-protected browser-based complete administration panel, active bad word filter. Easy to install & customize. Uses SQL Server or Access database. Free Download Version available. Fantastic load time due to highly optimized code and small Flash file size. Cross Browser Compatible, works well in both Netscape (4+) & IE (5+). Comments field can accept HTML text. JavaScript validation for fields.
Excel Data
posted bygaryinDatabase Tools
This is a simple ASP script demonstrating how to connect and display Excel data using ADO From ASP.
MetaCart Free
posted bywebmasterinShopping Carts
MetaCart Free is an Active Server Pages shopping cart application for small businesses and developers hooked to a Microsoft Access 2000 database. It is fully customizable and uses a DSN-less connection for easy deployment.
posted bysprunskyinUpload Systems
Multiple files upload component for use with ASP file upload script. It is easy CLIENT-SIDE solution that can be used to perform file uploads from a user machine to the web server. Component is RFC 1867 compatible and includes standard ASP and ASP.NET file upload scripts for IIS web servers. This component is a Macromedia Flash movie supported by most browsers and needs just Flash player plug-in on users-side and any standard file upload script on server-side. This component supports any browsers (tested in IE5+, FireFox 1.5, Netscape, Opera) and client side OS (Windows, Unix, Mac OS).
How to process the data submitted from HTML form
posted bybouvilloninForm Processing
The great advantage of ASP is possibility to respond to user queries or data submitted from HTML forms. You can process information gathered by an HTML form and use ASP code to make decisions based off this information to create dynamic web pages. This tutorial demonstrates how to create an HTML form and process the data.
Gnew Portal - Open Source Code
posted byinfoinPortal Systems
GNews Portal is a perfect solution to manage customizable content, article or news driven web site. This powerful ASP news management software keeps your time and solves all problems in publishing. GNews has most popular functions in content management systems. Get the advantage of GNews database-end, web-based solution. "Content Schedule " is the most popular function of GNews Portal. You may add an announcement, news or article earlier than you want to publish. You will spend less time publishing your news. You may publish all your content and GNEWS displays your content when you want to see.
Features of Gnews Portal :
- Completely new template management
- Enhanced category and article control
- Full multi-category support
- Import and insert custom RSS content
- Website statistics in administration panel
- Membership based management system
System is based on templates. More templates could be download from
PriceUSD 95.95
Image Studio - ASP
posted bykerberosb2binImage Galleries
The auto gallery (ASP) feature of Image Studio removes the setup and maintenance activities from your task list by automating the process. Whenever you add a new thumbnail and image pair to a specified folder on your webserver, Image Studio automaticall picks up this addition and adds it to the viewer at runtime.
Image Studio accomplishes this automatic configuration by scanning your resource folders (for thumbnails and Images) and constructing the resulting gallery based on the contents of your resource folders. This means that additions or removal of images from these folders is automatically reflected in the gallery viewer.
It is possible to customise the visual aspects of an Image Studio implementation through the use of themepacks. We implemented an auto-gallery for each of the standard themepacks that ship with Image Studio. In total there are 11 themepacks including the default look and feel.
Now available as a Dreamweaver Extension!
Price 19.00
posted bypragmainImage Galleries
Features: Password protected control system, Random Images, THUMBNAILS, SLIDESHOW, Automatic SLIDESHOW, Comments, Categories, Rating, Lightbox. On-line Appearance Configuration (CSS), Email Component Configuration, Multilanguage Support, Anti-spam, On-line General configuration, Amend or Remove Images or Comments, Categories Management, Bad Words Management, Compact/Restore Database ( Access version ), Database driven (Access or MS SQL Server ).
Price 19.00