Most Popular Scripts | ASP
Easy Content Management Publishing
posted byWebsite-MonitorinContent Management
An easy to use ASP-based content management news system. Multiple login levels, news expiration dates and many more features. Uses MS Access database. Content management systems help increase freshness of your sites content by making it easy to update. Free license under the GPL.
ASP LaunchPaD
posted bymayankinUser Authentication
ASP LanuchPad allows you to have a global authentication system for your website, and protect any no. of pages on your website. Elegant forms and error displays. Uses advanced session time techniques to give accuracy upto 3 milliseconds for timeout timings. Classes allow you to get user info, query the DB, etc by one line code.
Online Exam using ASP & XML
posted byemnajeebinTests & Quizzes
This article presents an online exam system that pulls its data from an xml file on the server. The question list for the user is sent to the browser via Microsoft's XMLHTTP Object. Using this same object, the questions are retrieved from the server and displayed on the page whenever the user requests a question.
posted byftwrthtxinWeb Developers
From web design to database programming, we can do it all.
posted byderekinMailing List Managers
PacMail is an easy to use mailing list administrator. Uses asp and access. Get repeat traffic by having your visitors to sign up for your mailing list. PacMail takes all the work out of this for you. Subscription registration is automated. Make a few changes and in less than 10 minutes you will have a fully functional mailing list utility. You can then send mail to the list at any interval you like.
Compare strings
posted bywebmasterinDevelopment
Self explaining sort scripts to show how to compare strings: Basics, Compare two strings for similarity, Find position of a substrings within a string, Is a substrings within a string?, Find position of a substrings within a string after skipping part of the string.
My Photo Album
posted byinfoinImage Galleries
My Photo Album is an ASP photo album for all of your digital images. It allows you to organize and search your photos, as well as share them across the Internet. Thumbnails are created automatically, and you can add images through its upload feature, FTP, or directly from your computer. My Photo Album also makes it easy to share your photos with family and friends, by e-mail or you can have them visit. <b>New in version 2.0:</b> Now includes source code, Enhanced security, Support for multiple albums, Easier browsing, and Handles most image formats.
Click Portal Server
posted byjohn.carbreyinPortal Systems
The Click Portal Server provides a means for companies to rapidly deploy both B2C and B2E e-business applications. Business to consumer portals implemented with the Click Portal Server provide a flexible means for customers to access information of relevance. Information sources throughout the enterprise can be seamlessly integrated with the portal through the Portals modular architecture. Business to employee portals allow corporations to provide a single point of information access to their employees. The Click Portal Server emphasizes on providing a collaborative means for customers to access enterprise wide content sources. Features: User-Based Personalization, Extensible Module Architecture, Group-Based Customization, Group Based Collaboraation, and Rapid Enterprise Integration.
iyzi Forum
posted byZuLuuuuuuinDiscussion Boards
iyzi Forum started as a project to provide my friends a small discussion place and has been continued for 3 years. Although the philosophy behind it is to keep simple, it includes a lot of features to meet people's needs. I also tried to keep it as secure as possible.
Some of the iyzi Forum's significant features are:
* Membership system
* Sticky topics
* File upload
* Avatars
* Signatures
* Personal messages (Like on MSN)
* Search
* A simple category system
* Smilies
* Skins
* Different languages
* Online members
* Configuration of forum time
* Getting a new password through email
* Some search optimisations
* Member activation through email
* Message approval
* 2 different authoritative as admin and moderator
* Configuration of a lot of forum features through Admin Panel
* Member or IP ban
* Flood protection
Smart Search Engine
posted byadibrebaninSearch Engines
Falcon's Smart Search Engine is a search engine on your site that is going to give your customers the ability to navigate through your site, locating to do with a specific keyword or item number fast and easily. Many visitors are usually interested in specific information of your website. If they take too much time to find what they want, they will go to other sites instead.
PriceUSD 49.95
Simple XML/RSS Parser
Simple XML/Parser is a XML parser designed for to parse most valid news and blog feeds. No database required to work with it. All you need is to include a subroutine in your code and call it.
How to connect to database using a connection string
posted bybouvilloninDatabase-related
The power of Active Server Pages comes through when we tie databases to our web sites. To connect to a database, ASP uses what is called ActiveX Data Objects, or ADO for short. ADO comes with ASP, and can be used easily from your ASP pages. In this tutorial we will show you how to connect to Access database and retrieve all the records from the table.
DypsRTF a free RTF Writer
posted bydypsoprograminDocuments
DypsRTF is a free component wich enable you to create RTF files on the fly for free. You don't need to have MS Word install on the server. Documents can be proposed for download, save on the disk or opened in the client browser.
posted byAdnan248999inNews Publishing
InstaNews is a fully customizable news publishing system featuring: Support for emoticons and html code, multi user access and color theme changer.
Uses an Access Database.
Asp-nuke live help
posted byServet5inPortal Systems
Asp-nuke live help is a unofficial asp-nuke site. I liked the asp-nuke so much that I decided to create a fan/support site. Most of the contain in this site is copied from asp-nuke sites like and, but the themes is not I have created them all.
adrotator example
posted byshedboyinAd Management
It is not always necessary to need a complex ad system for your system . The adrotator component is a simple alternative . This shows the basic usage.
posted byinfoinNews Publishing
xcNewsPlus is a fast and flexible news and event management tool for any web site. It has numerous features, like: HTML Templates; JET/SQL Database support; Unlimited Categories; RSS/XML Support; Article Ratings; Image Uploads; News Scroller/Ticker; User Submitted Articles; Private Articles; Multiple Views; and many other customizable options. It also includes XCENT's user management and membership system which you can use to protect other content on your site and allow only certain logged in users to have access. It can also optionally integrate with other XCENT web server software and e-Commerce applications.
Price 149.00
ASP Blackjack
posted byoweninGames & Entertainment
This is an ASP version of Blackjack game. Closest to 21 wins. Source is PD and available off the site.
FSBO Real Estate Web
posted bysite2niteinReal Estate
Allow FSBO and real estate agents (optional) to list their properties online with our advanced real estate web application. Excellent lead generation tool for real estate & mortgage professionals! All site configuration variables are easily changed within the secure admin control panel. Features -16 pics per property listing, Advanced Search, Buyer & Seller resources, Mortgage Center, Mortgage Calculators, Mailing List Management, Find An Agent module, Customer Tesitmonials module, Site News Module, Service Directory Module (List ads for real estate professionals in your service directory such as Mortgage Lenders, Real Estate Attorneys, Construction companies, etc.), Banner Advertising module, Intergrated CMS with WYSIWYG page editor & more. Many designs available.
PriceUSD 199.00
IP Address to Country, Region, City, ISP and domain name in ASP.NET
posted byIP2LocationinMiscellaneous
This is ASP script to enable lookup of country, region, city, ISP and domain name by using IP2Location database.
The script supports several database types such as Microsoft Access, MS SQL and mySQL. Internet geolocation has been widely used in the products or projects below.
1) Select the geographically closest mirror
2) Analyze your web server logs to determine the countries
3) Credit card fraud detection
4) Software export controls
5) Display native language and currency 6) Prevent password sharing and abuse of service 7) Geo-targeting in advertisement