Most Popular Scripts | ASP
File Download List
posted byjwithrowinDownload Systems
The author writes "There's always a buzz about forcing file downloads in the browser. That's partly because it's confusing and partly because different browsers handle downloads in different ways so it's difficult to acheive consistent results. If you have to deal with downloads and haven't checked out ADO's Stream capablity, you really should do yourself a favor and give this code a look."
Kaos Custom dates
posted bychrisbinDate & Time
Based around the functionality of the PHP date() function, it returns date and time information in a format based upon arguments it is fed. Essentially, it takes one date string/object and transforms it to a different format. The ASP FormatDateTime function is extremely limited. This provides an alternative which gives you far greater control over how the date is returned.
Dynamically Generated HTML Forms
posted byjjonesinDatabase-related
This article discusses two different ways to dynamically generate data-entry forms: Use the ADO OpenSchema Method, and Query Your SQL Server System Tables. Describes advantages and disadvantages of each method.
Speed up Database Access using GetRows
posted bywebmasterinDatabase-related
This is an article on using Recordset. It uses GetRows method to speedup database access. One of the fastest ways of displaying database records with ASP. Sample Database and Code available for download.
Loops within Loops: Coding an ASP-based Bulletin Board
posted byzolainDiscussion Boards
This article provides an easy way to list nested forums. It does have some drawbacks, though. For starters, there is an upper-bound on the number of nested replies a message can have. In this example, the number is 12, although this is configurable. Furthermore, this approach is not the most efficient approach, and could be streamlined using stored procedures and fewer ADO objects within the code.
Search Wizard for IIS
posted byunknowninWeb Search
This is a nice interfaced site search script that also allows you to search major search engines by redirecting your query. Currently supported search engines include Alta Vista, Yahoo, Infoseek, Excite, Lycos, and Hotbot.
w3 JMail
posted byinfoinEmail Systems
Using JMail will enable you to easily send email from your web page through the web server - without having to use an email client such as Eudora, Exchange or Outlook. Key features include: Attachments, Return Receipt, Log files, Set Priority, MIME and BASE64 Encoding, Queued mailings without separate NT service, Unlimited redundant servers, Blind Carbon Copy (BCC), Carbon Copy (CC), Urgent flagging, US ASCII, UUEncoding, X-Headers and custom headers, MS Mail and Exchange priority headers, and Internal MX lookup with MX priority and redundancy.
Views10405 offers a variety of useful source codes, tutorials, and resources for ASP developers. It also maintains a chat room and a discussion board.
Real Estate Ads Software
posted byGulSoftwareinReal Estate
A powerful, flexible, and secure real estate ads software designed to build professional websites for real estate brokers, agents and companies.
It has everything you need to run a successful and profitable real estate directory website. Whether you are building or operate a website as an independent realtor, agency, or you want to be an application service provider for realtors.
PriceUSD 195.00
Site popularity and Google PageRank checker
posted byseo-page-rankinWeb Traffic Analysis
The "Site popularity and Google PageRank checker" is easy to use script to make your site attractive. Brings Google PageRank value information, Fake PageRank detector and number of popular search engine backlinks. PageRank value button can be easily installed and links to your homepage.
PriceUSD 5.00
The Net Guys: ASPired2
posted byVision's EdgeinWeb Developers
The ASPired2 line of ASP applications encompass a wide variety of common functions. The concept of ASPired2 is to create functional yet easily modifiable modules that can be easily integrated into any ASP web site. As time permits, The Net Guys plan on releasing several applications. With a NO NONSENSE licensing agreement (i.e. you buy it, you can use as many times as you want) and well formatted, clean code, these applications will make your development a snap.
Displaying an RSS feed using XMLDom and ASP
posted byLordDaimosinXML & ASP
Short tutorial about showing the contents of an RSS feed on a webpage using ASP and the XMLDom. Describes each part of the code to make it easier to understand. This is a summary part in my article series about XML, XMLDom and ASP.
posted byintelcartinShopping Carts
Quickly create stunning e-commerce websites with iNTELcart, the intelligent e-commerce solution. iNTELcart is a downloadable scripts package, and it's all you need to manage your very own e-commerce website! EASY, AFFORDABLE, SECURE. Scripts features include: unlimited products, variable menu depth, language-independent (use it in any language you want), dual-language, multiple payment gateways, on-site content management system, user-defined shipping methods, product technical parameters, product options, side-by-side items comparison, automatic emails, free upgrade to future releases.
To make your web store unique you can choose a professional-looking e-commerce template from our templates gallery or you can use your own custom design and prepare it for iNTELcart. Absolutely no programming skills are needed. No 3rd party components needed. Intuitive backend.
PriceUSD 125.00
posted byerokeseinDatabase Tools
Perfect for managing your MS Access databases on-line. ClickQuery is a fully functional Active Server Pages (ASP) database utility application that allows you to run select, insert, update and delete statements from any browser. Easily incorporated into any exisiting web site that supports ASP. Features
Does not require server based components Includes all source code and database files. All ASP code is fully documented Runs "out of the box".
PriceUSD 9.95
Retrieve a file from FTP server without any 3rd party component
posted bydypsoprograminFile Manipulation
This tutorial is aimed to show you how it is possible to retrieve a remote file via ASP and FTP without using a 3rd-party component.
DVD Zone :: Boast Your DVD Rental Business
posted byankurjain_73inWeb Sites
You can boast the revenue generated by your DVD Rental Business by allowing the users to order online. We have provided many features which can be really useful for the users who may wish to rent a DVD. They can add a DVD in their wishlist and can move the DVD's on their wish list up or down depending on the priority on which they want to rent that DVD. They can see the DVD's which have been sent to them and are on their hands by just visiting their account. So there is no delay in returning them. You have full control of the genres you want to use through our extensive admin panel. You can add as many DVD's as you want with just a click. You have full control over the CMS of the website, you can edit it on the fly. We have provided a HTML WYSIWYG Editor so you do not have to do any kind pf programming. Please check out the demo site to see the script in action.
PriceUSD 399.99
Event Log Event Types
posted byLito18inDevelopment
Detailed descriptions of the different event log event types that may occur in the windows event log. The windows event logs can be accessed using development tools to aid in overall management.
Views1833 - ASP Web Scripts Directory
Post or search both free and commercial web ASP scripts. Direct homepage and demo links, script ratings, etc.
Complete web site script built using ASP and MySQL to provide membership DB. Registration of new members, password recovery, profile update and more. Site title, email contact, url etc. is all configured via a simple configuration file. Install script provided creates all tables. Built to accept additional plugin modules. An example plugin is provided that allows administrator to send email to entire member database in text or HTML format. Uses CSS to control presentation. Two style sheets included. This is a great script to get a basic site up and running in a few minutes.
Call Center Management
Magicway Call Center Management v4.0 comprises versatile systems that united provide you with numerous options. Call Center Management v4.0 contains a ticket support system, a search system and an administration center.
Price 100.00