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Most Popular Scripts | Flash | Components

Results 401-420 of 1000
Video Player with Live Playlist 4
posted byTeaninComponents
SETTINGS : Posibility to use this as a single video player Support for flv, mov, mp4 and h.264 video formats Set width and height of the player Set player position on the stage Option to use image thumbnails for the playlist or real videos Option to autoPlay all visible thumbnails or play on rollover Change all player colors Adjust all playlist settings Set number of visible rows and columns in the playlist Unlimited number of videos supported Description is optional Description text for each video is HTML formatted Go into and out of fullscreen video mode. Mouse cursor automatically when inactive together with all player elements Set autoPlay option Set videoBuffer feature Set default volume Set video smoothing Pause / resume video with space key Special Thanks to CarlB for sample videos used in the preview.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 17.00
Rolling Multirow Slideshow with Optional Music
posted byTeaninComponents
SETTINGS : Music is optional Unlimited images supported Set scrolling speed Set horizontal and vertical space between images Each row can hold one or more images Images are automatically and proportionally resized to fill the space regardless of screen dimensions Optional URL link for each image Pause / resume slideshow with space key Unlimited songs for music supported Music can play randomly or in normal order Set buffer time for the music Set autoplay for the music Set video smoothing Fullscreen button included Very easy to use! The images used in this project are courtesy of http://www.photos8.com/
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Banner Rotator With Split Transition
posted byTeaninComponents
Controls are optional Change size of banner rotator Set banner position on the stage Unlimited banners supported Individual delay per image available Add as many captions as you like or none Captions are HTML formatted Set captions text size, color, background color and position Choose between random and normal playing mode Controls include pause/play, foward, backward Hide/show controls Set transition time and delay Very easy to change the font if neccessary (only one textfiled) The images used in this project are courtesy of http://www.photos8.com/
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
Multimedia Background with Slideshow
posted byTeaninComponents
SETTINGS : Set navigation panel position (top / bottom stage) Set navigation panel width Set thumbnail dimensions Video Support for flv, mov, mp4 and h.264 video formats Patterns (scan lines) are optional 5 patterns included in the package Patterns are loaded externally so you can easily add your own Choose between 4 available video aspect ratios for each media: original size, fit inside, fit outside, stretch Set videoBuffer feature Set default volume for video Set video smoothing Start / stop slideshow on runtime Set individual delay for each media The images used in this project are courtesy of http://www.imagebase.davidniblack.com/
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 12.00
XML Image Video Gallery
posted byTeaninComponents
Gallery supports unlimited number of categories. Menu autoscroll appears if number of menu items exceeds available menu space. Gallery supports unlimited number of items in each category. Each category can have different sized thumbs and different number of rows and columns. Description is optional for each image or video SETTINGS : Change all gallery and menu colors Change gallery thumbs size and spacing, rows and columns Set video player initial size Set autoPlay for the video player Set buffer time for the video player Set default volume for the video player Set smoothing feature for the video player The images used in this project are courtesy of http://www.photos8.com/ and http://www.imagebase.davidniblack.com/ Thanks to Wayman for sample video used in the preview.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 22.00
Resizeable Deeplinking XML Events Calendar
Resizeable XML Events Calendar ,Vector based and resizeable, Full deeplinking function ,Full search function and search with multiple keywords, Tip text for each event, Html and css style support in detail content text, Customize all style and properties in xml file Features 1. Vector Based 2. Resizeable 3. Deeplinking 4. Search 5. Event Tip Text 6. Html and Css Style Support 7. Content Scroll Bar Mouse Wheel Support (PC) 8. Customize All Style And Properties In Xml File
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Site Accordion XML
Features: 1.xml driven. 2.as3,size just 6kb. 3.accordion style. 4.support auto play. 5.support url params(pic,auto,cachable). 6.support load jpg,gif,pnd,swf files. 7.support descriptions(html format) of each loaded object. 8.support add link to open new window. 9.support set all style(delay time,color,alpha...) throught edit xml.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 13.00
Simple Banner Rotator (listing 2021)
This is a simple xml banner rotator made in Flash CS3 and Action Script 2.0 You can add as many images (jpg, gif, png) as you want but it is prefered to be as the points of the images not more than the width of the banner. You can add a link to any of the images, change the images change time. No loading for the image because of this its price is very low (3$).
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 3.00
Banner Rotator Black (listing 2023)
XML banner rotator with delay time, menuPosition, textPostion, and more features,total 17 settings parameters available in the xml file. Features 1. Vector based 2. Resizeable 3. Easy to use 4. You can set Menu Position at Top, Buttom, Left, Right 5. You can set Text Position at Top, Buttom, Left, Right 6. Auto Switch or not 7. Pause Auto Switch on mouse over or not 8. You can load JPEG , PNG, GIF images and SWF files Property width - number height - number displayIndex - 0 ~ n what item you want to display first autoSwitch – true or false pauseAutoSwitchOnMouseOver - true or false delayTime - 1 ~ n menuPosition - Top, Buttom, Left, Right menuScrollSpeed - 0 to 100 textPad - 0 ~ n textSpace - 0 ~ n Item Property title - title subTitle -subTitle img - img path imgLink - link imgLinkTarget - link target _blank, _self, _top, _parent textPosition - Top, Buttom, Left, Right
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 15.00
Black Image slider with different slide behaviours
This is images sliding with tooltips, links & different animations created using Flash CS3 and Action Script 2.0 You can add as many images as you want from the xml file. Set the number of images that will move when you click next or previous from the xml file. Add a link to each image and define where to open this link. Add a tooltip title for each image.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 8.00
Smooth News Readers With XML
Product Features: 1.xml driven. 2.support add pictures. 3.support add news title. 4.support add news date. 5.support html format for each news information.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 9.00
Flash template web deep linking
This is an ActionScript 3.0 Flash template web deep linking,, it can be used as a presentation web site, photography web site, depending on your target. No Flash knowledge required for setting up this template. Everything can be set from a main .xml file and also each gallery has its own .xml file making it very easy to update and maintain. This product also includes the source files. This template it's resizable adjusting after the browser size. This means that everything will look the same on each resolution and your photos will appear the same for all your visitors. This template use deep linking, this means that you will have a unique link for all the template sections generated dynamically based on the section name, for example if you like to send a client the link for a specific image you can do that just like using a regular HTML site, this feature also enables the "back one page" and "forward one page" browser ...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 50.00
Dynamic xml driven Menu
Dynamic xml driven vertical menu with main menu titles and links.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Xml driven flv player
Xml driven flv player with play-list on right column and previous/next buttons to navigate through movies.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Auto Slide Banner in as3.0
Auto Slide Image banner rotator with time Interval and buttons selection to switch through items.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Floral Animation
Floral Animation: The animation is in a form of movie clip, so you can just drag and drop it in your project This is flash vector graphic, so fully resizeable You can easily change its colors and other graphical attributes Placing it in any background, textured, gradient or solid is easy The number of floral animationscan be increased by just duplicating the movie-clip
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 5.00
Flip Countdown Clock
Stylish flip conutdown clock ,vector based and resizeable, you can fully customize text color, bg color, bg shadow alpha, target time text, and target timezone in xml file, and Support event onFinish Features 1. Customize all style and properties in xml file 2. Vector based 3. Resizeable 4. Text color 5. Bg color 6. Bg shadow alpha 7. Target time text 8. Target timezone 9. Support event onFinish
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 6.00
Photo Portfolio XML v3
Photographer portfolio with XML & swfAddress. Menus, Galleries, Slideshows, Audio, Video component.
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 20.00
Free Flash Gallery
posted byencapsinComponents
With Encaps Flash Gallery component you will be able to set up managed gallery with PHP admin panel
(0 ratings)
Flash-XML Rotation Images Gallery
This product represents a simple images gallery component, perfect for someone who want to show his work online or offline. - xml driven(51 settings – colors, sizes, strings, font path etc); - unlimited number of images; - multilanguage, all the strings are set from xml; - html supported text for image description; - based on action script 3.0 and flash cs4; - easy to extend; - support via email; Settings you can change in the XML : - fonts swf path; - preloader font, font size, font color loading string; - thumbs sizes, distance between thumbs, thumbs opacity distance from the large image panel; - large image sizes, background color, shadow, shadow color, shadow opacity, margin size, margin color, transition, transition time, number of rotations, minimum scale, rotation; - close and info button colors, sizes, over colors, over opacity, distance between info button and margin of the image, distance between close button and ...
(0 ratings)
PriceUSD 10.00
Results 401-420 of 1000