Most Popular Scripts | Java
Mp3 Recording Applet SDK
posted byvimassinAudio & Sound
The MP3 audio recording applet SDK is designed to create MP3 audio recorder on the web site. It allows to record the audio in MP3 format from the web site and upload audio file to the web server via HTTP.
PriceUSD 300.00
WebComponents JSP Tag Library
posted bytcoleinDevelopment Tools
A library of advanced JSP GUI Controls including a TabbedPane, Tree, Toolbar, Portal, TileLayout and new SortableTable component. All components are easily skinnable to fit right into your website L&F and they maintain state between user visits in the same session. Can be used in framed and non-framed websites. Requires no additional frameworks or APIs.
Java Examples - Learn Java Programming by Examples
posted bykodejavainFrequently Asked Questions
Kode Java website provides beginners to Java programming some examples of how to use the Java API (Application Programming Interface) to develop an application. Learning by following some examples will hopefully decrease the amount of time needed to begin to code in Java.
Java Interview Questions Library
posted byrashishminMiscellaneous
This is a complete library of mostly asked java interview questions bank with complete descriptive answeres. Here you will find Java Interview Question, Java Tutorials and Java Tips
J2EE Overview
posted byRyanJames27inDevelopment
J2EE is a technology that aims to simplify the design and implementation of enterprise applications. In this tutorial you will learn what J2EE is, its benefits, J2EE main components, Evolution of Enterprise Application Frameworks, Why use J2EE, J2EE Platform Architecture, J2EE APIs and Technologies and J2EE Reference Implementation. Before continuing our J2EE discussion lets define what an enterprise application is.
Starting to work with JSP Sessions
posted byinfoinJSP & Servlets
Session are very helpful to associate some data with each visitor. You may pass and retrieve values in diffrent page using sessions. All sessions are an object associated with each web client. In this sample code we will create a session named `username` and later put a value inside our new Session object. On next step we will get our session value. .
Applets and Native Methods.
posted byradithainApplet Building
A guide to calling native methods from with in java applets. Explains how to overcome the sandbox restrictions and how to load native libraries when the applet starts. Also includes a brief introduction to the JNI.
A Gentle Introduction to Java
Try the interactive examples that teach the basics of programming.
posted byalentyevinForums & Online Communities
* Ability to deliver Live content in a high quality video and audio format directly to your paying customers. * No downloads for your customers! Live content could be surfed via the web pages. * Allows to make your own live studio, or have performers work for you from their homes. * Charge your customers any amount you like on a pay per minute basis. Your customers can pay online via credit card on a fully secure system. * High Speed / High Quality Video and Audio. * Single or Multi-Camera support. Single or multi room & studio support. * SoftService WebVideo fully supports any combination of studio camera setups as well as home-cam operators. Connect multiple "home cams" or studios and create a large, 'virtual' studio). * Block of time billing. Charge users in blocks of minutes (5 minutes, 20 minutes, etc). Time is automatically deducted from the users account. Upon completion, customer is directed to a sign-up page to purchase additional time * Per-Minute billing. Users pay o
PriceUSD 1,495.00
Java Auto-Completing Combobox Applet
posted byhumbadsinMiscellaneous
JumpToWidget is a Java applet that combines a text input box with a list box so that a user can make a selection from a large list quickly by typing in a substring into the text input box. On each keypress, the List box updates to show only the options that contain the entered substrings. Substrings are separated by spaces in the text input box. Only options which contain every substring are matched, and the comparison is case insensitive by default. This widget attempts to mimic the behaviour of the "Jump To File" feature in Winamp.
circeOS XPopMenu
posted bysavewebinSite Navigation
circeOS XPopMenu is a java/jsp application that dinamically generates a PopUp menu starting from an XML file.
It works using jsp, taglib, a couple of java classes and a javascript popup menu.
circeOS XPopMenu is easily integrable in web pages.
In version 1.1: xml structure changed
JspCart By NeuroSpeech
posted byackavainE-Commerce
Free Open Source Jsp based Shopping cart running with Tomcat and MySQL. It can be customized completely to gain look and feel of your website with no extra programming.
It has Order management, MIS reports download, orders download in Excel format. Easy payment gateway integration.
Advanced Graph and Chart Collection
posted bypatrickinGraphs & Charts
Add Powerful reporting features to your Web / Intranet pages and applications. With the advanced graphing package you will be quickly adding impressive dynamic charting capabilities bringing your data alive !
Powerful components provide both client & server side solutions for adding graphs & charts into web / intranet pages & applications. Enabling web authors & Java developers to easily build and publish dynamic interactive graphs & charts.
Download the Free Trial today.
Sak� Mail
posted bysalesinWeb-based Email
Sak� Mail is a very high performance Web-based email system, designed for scaling to large numbers of concurrent users. It takes advantage of the Java Servlet API's memory-resident architecture and multi-threading HTTP response model. It avoids file system accesses through memory caching at every possible point, and never needs to touch the file system at runtime at all if coupled with an IMAP server. It supports POP3, IMAP, and SMTP, including authenticated SMTP. It also provides an extremely sophisticated message rendering system that can easily handle even complex HTML encoded messages with attachments that have been forwarded multiple times.
Long-term persistence: Serialize JavaBean component state to XML
posted bykwigintinXML & Java
The ability to save the JavaBean component state for long-term persistence within an XML document has been a topic of much discussion with Java developers in the past few years. This feature has finally been adopted in the 1.4 version of J2SE. This article shows you how to use the new XMLEncoder and XMLDecoder classes, bypassing serialization and allowing you to generate fully initialized bean instances.
posted byccaissottiinCalendars
CCalendar is a calendar applet that you can use as a real calendar choosing the global appearence and the photo you want to show. You can use it as a help for you site's user to entry date in a form field. CCalendar supports multilanguage for days and months and adds schedule possibility. It also allow you to link event to the days.
Drawing Pad in Java
posted bymsaqibinIntroduction to Java
A simple Drawing Pad on which the user can draw some lines and shapes by using the mouse.
posted byocolettoinDevelopment Tools
It allows accessing Oracle Databases, with NO code writing, utilizing a three steps simple wizard.
JspGenerator is a powerful code generator that helps web developers and non-programmers create database-driven web applications in a matter of hours. You may use it to easily create any types of web forms and grids, such us User Registration Form for the web site or an Event List, or you may generate full-featured Employee Directories, Forums and Task Management Systems up to advanced Online Auctions, Stores, Portals and Intranets. JspGenerator produces a consistent look and layout across several pages, thanks to its facility to save layout configurations (Like templates) you can re-use, as many times you need.
Additionally at design time you can choose colours, backgrounds, logos, etc on an easy way. Really you will appreciate this tool.
Zmei Advanced Slide Show
posted bypgelevinSlide Shows
Slideshow java applet with skin,unlimited number of images,on-off button,previows-next buttons,play-stop buttons and totaly free.
2D/3D Line Graph Software
posted bypatrickinGraphs & Charts
2D / 3D Line Graph provides both a client and server side solution for the incorporation of line graphs into web pages.
Versatile components enable web authors and Java developers to easily build and publish dynamic and interactive line graphs.
With a free trial and Money Back guarantee, try it out today.
Now incorporates Anit-Aliasing for Smoother Graphing images.