Most Popular Scripts | Java
Advanced Floating Pop-Up Menu
posted bypatrickinMenu Systems
Make a professional menu for your site with the Advanced Floating Pop-Up Menu. Menus can pop up over HTML content, frames and even go over the browser window. The Advanced Menu can even execute javascript functions. Features: Unlimited Buttons and Sub Menu's; Button and Menu data can be supplied either from html parameters or text file;
Triple State Buttons; Configurable Mouse Over and Mouse Click effects; Full url support including window naming and frame targets, ideal for frames environments; Javascript support; Sound Support; Unlimited Icon images; Adjustable Background Colors and Images. Extensive Documentation giving both a Quick Start section and an in depth explanation of every feature. Source Code also available.
Code Beach
Guide to free and open source code and tutorials for ASP, C++, C#, ColdFusion, Java, JavaScript, Palm, Perl, PHP, Pocket PC, Python, and Visual Basic.
Thumbnail Slide Show
posted byioncheninSlide Shows
Display all your images in a thumbnail image configurable to any size allowing the viewer to choose which image he/she would like view.
PriceUSD 18.00
Exploiting ThreadLocal to enhance scalability
posted bykwigintinDevelopment
The ThreadLocal class appeared with little fanfare in version 1.2 of the Java platform. While support for thread-local variables has long been a part of many threading facilities, such as the Posix pthreads facility, the initial design of the Java Threads API lacked this useful feature. Further, the initial implementation was quite inefficient. For these reasons, ThreadLocal gets relatively little attention, but it can be very handy for simplifying the development of thread-safe concurrent programs. This article examines ThreadLocal and offers tips for exploiting its power.
Dynamic Web-based data access using JSP and JDBC technologies
posted bykwigintinDatabase-Related
This article discusses using the JSP and JDBC technologies to integrate static, dynamic, and database content in Web sites. For the purposes of simplicity and illustration, the JSP pages here use short scriptlets to expose the JSP developer to the underlying JDBC concepts instead of hiding them in custom tags. The author introduces a key design approach that integrates JavaBeans components with JDBC, similar to the way that JavaServer Pages technology already uses beans with HTTP. He also provides code for implementing this integration.
Swing's new Spinner component
This new column offers a glimpse into the new Java 1.4 release, starting with the new jSpinner component of Swing, which lets users easily select a date, number, or choice from a pick list. Article includes code snipets.
Charts and Graphs Bean
posted byinquiryinGraphs & Charts
This is a small footprint graphing bean for creating XY graphs from Cartesian coordinates.
Java and XML
posted bycontentinProgramming Books
Java and XML share many features that are ideal for building Web-based enterprise applications, such as platform-independence, extensibility, reusability, global language (Unicode) support, and both are based on industry standards. Together Java and XML allow enterprises to simplify and lower cost of information sharing and data exchange. Java and XML shows you how to put the two together, building real-world applications in which both the code and the data are truly portable. This book covers: The basics of XML, Using standard Java APIs to parse XML, Designing new document types using DTDs and Schemas, Writing programs that generate XML data, Transforming XML into different forms using XSL transformations (XSL/T), XML-RPC, Using a web publishing framework like Apache-Cocoon, and XML as a configuration language.
Newsticker Java Applet
Newsticker is a text based news ticker Java applet that allows you to scroll text horizontally. Configurable parameters include: background color, font face, size, hyperlink, scrolling delay, speed, and more.
Java TreeView tListe
tListe is a nice and fast TreeView Java Applet. The applet's size is very small (between 12 and 25 Ko). tListe runs on all browsers with JDK 1.02 support. It features multi-font support, text alerts, unlimited images, status bar message, and much more. Source code and detail instructions available on the site.
searchTHIS (Applet)
posted byclearyinSite Search
Using db.js and db.txt created by <a href= target="_3692">indexTHIS</a>, searchTHIS Applet conduct searches for words or phrases entered by your web site visitor. When the user types in a phrase and clicks the search button, the applet will search the db.txt file for the words. It will then associate the words with the appropriate link. During this association, it also saves a score of that link based on the number of times the words appear in the html file. Results that are returned are printed out in descending order, the first having the highest score and the last having the lowest score.
Odometer java counter
This an odometer type hit counter applet.
posted bykrysheninDevelopment Tools
Tema is a macro processor and template engine for the Java platform. Its features include extensibility, database access, and Apache Ant integration via custom tasks.
Alfresco Enterprise Content Management Implementation
posted bypawaskarinProgramming Books
�The Alfresco Enterprise Content Management Implementation� book is a complete guide to implementing enterprise content management into business using Alfresco. This book describes the complete cycle of planning, implementing and customizing ECM installation.
Alfresco is regarded as the most powerful open-source enterprise content management system.Alfresco Enterprise Content Management Implementation" explains users about creating smart, collaborative content repositories, and shows how to use Alfresco to create more elegant document sharing, better collaborative working, and reliable automated workflow processes.
The Alfresco book is designed for system administrators, experienced users or developers who want to install and use Alfresco in their teams or businesses. The book assumes a degree of technical confidence but does not require specialist sysadmin or developer skills to get a basic system up and running.
How To Develop RFID Applications In Java
posted bychowsysinMiscellaneous
Radio Frequency Identification, also known as RFID, is a tool which is being used in a large number of industries. There are a number of software programs which can work with RFID, and an example of this is RFID Anywhere by Sybase iAnywhere. It was designed using a .NET program that has greatly modified the different phases of their RFID projects.
Link Validator
posted bymavinesinNetworking Tools
Validates links and shows report. It very useful and fast tool for those who wants to check all links in an URL for validity. It aso founds and displays emails. It shows position of a link an a page. So you can easily find broken links on it. Also it is possible to export reports in txt files for further use. If you wish to wiev full report regrding last checked URL, just click 'view report' button, you will see all information about the site.
Herong's Tutorial Notes on Data Encoding
posted byheronginProgramming Books
This free book is a collection of notes and sample codes related to varies data encoding algorithms and programs, including UUEnccode and Base64 encoding algorithm and their Java implementations.
posted byjambrusoinMiscellaneous
GeneaPro is a multi-user, cross-platform Genealogy database program based on the GenTech Genealogical Data Model. It is written in Java using the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP), Hibernate persistence, and SQL/JDBC databases (HSQLDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL).
RAD Tutorial w/ JavaServer Faces and WS Portal
posted bypowelljgrinMiscellaneous
The latest release of IBM WebSphere Studio and the Portal Toolkit plug-in provide new features for developing front-end applications using Java Server Faces. These features enable developers to quickly and easily use visual rapid-application development tools and provide a rich set of interesting user interface components not easily created or maintained in the past. This tutorial demonstrates how a framework as flexible as Java Server Faces and the tools provided by both WebSphere Studio and the Portal Toolkit make short order of integrating, testing and maintaining a portal-based front end.
AppletOrchard offers a harvest-full of free Java applet downloads, with previews, to add to your web page. Website design freebies and information. Flash animations and resources too.