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Results 281-300 of 1000
Free PHP VX Guestbook
posted by123avinGuestbooks
Allows you to add free guestbook to your site. Easy to install and use. Features : Word Censor , Captcha (Visual Code Confirmation) , Administrator Message Validation , 5 Custom fields , Templates Driven , Languages Support , Flood Control , Build-in Online Visitors Counter , Require fields indicator , Search , Smilies , Ban Control by IP , Email , Word Censor , Database backup using web browser , GZIP output supported, Timezone configuration, E-Mail Notification etc. You can edit or delete visitors message , limit min and max number of characters in message. Require MySQL. Supported Languages : English , Dutch , German , Spanish , Portuguese.
(283 ratings)
posted byteaminWeb Sites
- The site with resources for the budding webmaster - Coming from a variety of web related backgrounds, our tutorial writers will endeavour to help you along your journey as a webmaster, web designer or programmer, whether you are an expert or a beginner. If our vast variety of tutorials, scripts, links, and online tools do not meet your needs, our community members will be sure to help you.
(282 ratings)
Toko Content Editor - Multi Language content management CMS
Use Toko to edit your site online. Toko is a compact multi language, open source content editor and content management system (CMS). It is advanced easy to use yet fully featured program that takes 2 minuets to install even for non technical users. Toko supports multiple authors with different access and view privileges so allowing website owners to have different people contributing to one site simultaneously. Toko definition and management is simple and is done via editing Pre-defined areas on any web page without any need for programming skills. The editor is fully customisable ( no DB required or MySQL). Best of all in the installation package we bundled up some samples to show you how to edit and maintain online content using just a browser.
(282 ratings)
WowBB is PHP/MySQL powered forum software that offers innovative features such a WYSIWYG editor with integrated spell-checker, advanced private messaging, mailing-list style (instant or digest) forum watching, a visual CSS editor with real-time preview, paid subscriptions, and search engine friendly URLs.
(282 ratings)
Community Video Chat
FlashComs Community Video Chat is positioned to be the most innovative and feature-rich application among flash based solutions. It's truly robust yet lightweight chat solutions in line with the latest multimedia standards. Video/audio options as well as basic text chatting provide real time communication experience to website members. Such features like multi-room, flexible video window positioning, personal settings, friend/block lists, complete integration with existing users database and many more makes Flashcoms chat all-sufficient and easy to use solution for both members and owner. The latest version of Community Video Chat boasts of implementation ultra-modern features for flash based software, namely built-in whiteboard, instant messengers support, online games, MP3 player and more. Number of available plugins brings flexibility in chat configuration and allows meeting requirements of business and entertainment orientated websites.
(282 ratings)
PriceUSD 269.00
Slide out Help panel
A useful script when you want to show help or other information on your web page. A panel slides out from the left or from the top when you press F1("Help"). You can also use links to show the panel. The script is tested in IE5+, Firefox and Opera.
(280 ratings)
JReviews - Joomla & WordPress Reviews
Directory and review script for Joomla and WordPress * Media uploads for listings and reviews including photos, videos, attachments and audio * Responsive design for improved access with different device resolutions * Many SEO features including Schema.org structured data markup * Integrates with Twitter and Facebook * Unlimited sets of rating criteria -with weighted average as an option- * Advanced custom field management and support for multiple listing types. * Advanced search. * User and editor reviews. * Frontend reviews and content editing. * Image thumbnailling and gallery for multiple views. * Uses template engine for ease of customization. * Many configuration settings to suit your needs. * Joomla Demo http://demo.reviewsforjoomla.com * WordPress Demo http://wp-demo.reviewsforjoomla.com
(278 ratings)
PriceUSD 179.00
freeCap is a PHP/GD CAPTCHA script which allows you to protect guestbooks, user comment areas or any type of form against spam. It can output in 3 different image types, it uses multiple fonts, multiple colours, has 4 background noise models, features brute force detection and prevention, is not vulnerable to session reuse and features advanced character obfuscation.
(277 ratings)
Time Tracking Calendar
This PHP software was designed to provide everyone with a calendar and associated tasks with each day. This software also will allow for Calendar administrators to manage users based on groups. For example the tech group could include a number of users, which are all assigned a mandatory 40-hour a week schedule. The software allows administrators to generate reports based on individuals and group to see how much time they are spending on particular task. Software is 100% free! See web site for free download and more details on features.
(276 ratings)
Poll and Voting Script
With this script you can provide votes and polls on your website. A visitor selects one option and clicks the submit button to vote. The results will be displayed as graphical bars. To prevent manipulations the script uses the IP address of the user and/or Cookies. That is to make sure, every visitor votes only once.
(276 ratings)
PHP Address Book
A simple, web based address book: Addresses, e-Mails, phone numbers & birthdays. vCard and CSV export support. Homepages guessed from e-Mail. Locations linked to "Google Maps". Android and iPhone attached over ActiveSync/Exchange interface. Fully UTF-8 compliant, including the Excel-Export functions. Based on PHP and MySQL. A login procedure for protection is included. Translation in over 20 languages available (e.g.: English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Dutch, Portuguese and many more)
(275 ratings)
RealtyScript - #1 in Customer Support - For Real Estate Agents, Offices, & Portals
We're relied on by thousands of real estate agents and offices located throughout the world to power their online presence -- over 40 countries, actually! We take this trust in us seriously by being #1 in customer support and providing you the tools you need so you or your clients can focus on growing your business and turning leads into customers. We have dozens of features you can spend time reading about, such as being mobile friendly/responsive, SEO-friendly, and being able to control the site from an easy-to-use administration panel. But, wouldn't you rather get started today so you can see for yourself why we have over a 90% customer satisfaction rate? Most customers rank our customer support as one of the main reasons why they purchased. Find out why RealtyScript is right for you by trying our online demo, contacting us with your questions, reading what our customers have to say, or taking your business to the next level. You'll be glad you did.
(275 ratings)
Real Time Website Statistics and Traffic Analytics, provides you with features available only in expensive enterprise-class softwares and unique feature you won't find anywhere for FREE. Extensive report pages, path analysis, graphs and charts, detailed information about latest visitors, multi-language, multiple website from one interface and more with an innovative usable user interface. You only need to upload some files to your server to install TraceWatch.
(273 ratings)
MyDMS allows users to store documents, share them with other users and keep track of different versions. Documents are automatically converted to HTML when uploaded. So you can view Word- or PowerPoint-Documents for example online with your favourite browser. For security reasons MyDMS offers ACLs (Access Control List) that allows to control access to documents and folders on user and group basis. Users can be notified on new or expired documents via Email. A powerful keyword based search-function allows quick access to all documents. MyDMS uses PHP (with gd) and MySQL.
(272 ratings)
MySQL database backup
Designed to create a daily snapshot of the dynamic data on your website. (e.g. content management systems, forums, guestbooks etc.) Some of the features include: - Backup multiple databases and servers with different users and passwords. - Backups can be scheduled using cron (on UNIX systems) or AT (on Windows systems). - Create daily, weekly and monthly snpashots of your database. - Keep the daily, weekly and monthly backups for a user-specified time. - Archive and compress the SQL files (*.tar.gz). - Creates a detailed report of everything that has been done. - Reports can be mailed to you or any other user-specified email-address, saved to disk or displayed in browser. - Generated SQL files can be mailed to you or any other user-specified email-address. - Generated SQL files can be uploaded by FTP to any user-specified FTP server. - Choose to create SQL files for each table or one for each database - No system calls, everything in 100% pure PHP.
(272 ratings)
PHPlist is a mailing list system that allows posting via a Web page. It works well when used for announcements, and can handle very large email address lists. Users can sign up to multiple lists, but will only receive a single copy of cross-posted messages. When signing up, users can identify their geographical location, and messages can be targetted to these. You can add place holders in your email that will be replaced with personal details. Users can update their own information, and unlike many other mailing list systems, they can change their email address. HTML emails are supported and it can also be used to process RSS feeds.
(270 ratings)
PHP Hangman Game
Play the classic hangman game - guess the word or phrase without getting more than 6 letters wrong. The word list can easily be modifed in the script. Non-alphabetic characters are allowed, but filled in. It can also now be used with international (non-English language) letters or other characters as letter choices.
(270 ratings)
Herong's Notes on PHP
This book is a collection of notes and sample codes I wrote while learning PHP. Topics include Command Line Interface (CLI), array, book, CGI, cookie, database, example, free, function, HTTP, IIS, language, loop, mail, MySQL, online, PHP, request, session, SMTP, SQL, tutorial.
(267 ratings)
VDaemon: PHP & JavaScript web form validation solution.
An important aspect of creating Web Form pages is to be able to validate that the information users enter is correct. Handling errors in a Web Forms is a mandatory task for any true professional. It is not a difficult job to write this on PHP or JavaScript, but writing this more than once can quickly become a tedious nightmare. VDaemon is a PHP library that grants an easy-to-use but powerful way to check for errors and, if necessary, display messages to the user. VDaemon feachures: - easily incorporate VDaemon validation into existing web sites - supports both client and server-side validation - all common types of validation (required fields, field type, range, compare, regexp, e-mail, zip codes, US phone number, date and time, custom) - allows to construct full value logical expressions from the validation rules. It gives possibility to create a conditional validation. - allows you to completely customize how error information is displayed to the user - and more ...
(265 ratings)
News Script PHP Pro - Cover Image
News Script PHP Pro
If you need a news publishing script on your website, you're at the right place. News Script PHP Pro is designed to be integrated into your website. Visitors to your website will be able read your news and leave comments. News Script PHP Pro features: * responsive; * one step installation wizard; * password protected admin area; * news edirots/authors; * categories; * news slider; * top news section; * comments; * highlighted news; * different size and position of the photo to each article; * any language support; * easy css setup; * copy and paste one line of code to include the news on your webpage; * rich text editor for the news content; * ability to add youtube and vimeo videos; * news archive; * Share buttons for social networks; * option to create lists with banned words and IP addresses; * additional verification question and answer in comments form; * W3C validated RSS Feed; * readable source code
(264 ratings)
PriceUSD 74.99
Results 281-300 of 1000