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Results 321-340 of 1000
Form Mail Script
This PHP formmailer script allows you to put a contact form on your website. Both HTML layout and e-mail layout are fully customizable by templates. You also get HTML e-mails, attachments, autoresponders, captcha and vcard. The script allows you to create as many forms as you need with one installation.
(246 ratings)
A well designed, configurable and secure guestbook. Features: Easy installation, Several templates, Language file, Easy translation, Highly configurable, Anti-hacker features, Statistics page, Search function, Crypted emails, Powerful administration, and more.
(246 ratings)
phpJobScheduler - your simple PHP replacement to cron jobs
PHP scheduler - a replacement for cron jobs on Unix or scheduled tasks using Microsoft Scheduler. phpJobScheduler is a scheduler that runs using PHP and MySQL, other databases should now be compatible as all code now uses PHP/PDO for database connectivity (no root/admin access is required). Now using phpJobScheduler you can easily set times when a PHP script should run; automating tedious tasks such as trimming a database table, or emailing a member when their membership fee is due. Schedule a task to run hourly, daily or weekly - scheduled data is stored in a MySQL database via PHP. Some of the features: - easy setup - runs silently (no screen output) - saves run logs to database - saves error messages to database - runs remote scripts in a secure folder - schedule PHP scripts to run: 1-59 minutes hourly daily weekly - add scheduled tasks - modify existing scheduled tasks - delete existing scheduled tasks
(244 ratings)
Based on PHPOpenChat, this web based chat software written in PHP incorperates video from the free webcamxp software. This version is slightly easier to install and also support Network Address Translation (NAT) for those who have webcams behind a firewall. It provides mail, moderating, open or closed site, private channels, ignore list, text filters, inline user images and a redesigned smiley interface.
(244 ratings)
Arithmetic Practice
This applet lets children practice basic arithmetic operations like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. The functionality for LCM and HCF is also provided. It keeps the score of correct and wrong answers.
(243 ratings)
LogiCampus Classroom CMS
LogiCampus is a web-based classroom management system. Developed in conjunction with educators, the system provides a rich set of functionality for students, teachers and administrators, including forums, gradebook, content management and more.
(243 ratings)
phpWebFileManager is file management tool, written in PHP. It is designed for inclusion in large projects, and it can also act as a PostNuke module. Its main features are multi-language support, secure directory browsing, directory creation and removal, file creation, uploading, renaming, deleting, and viewing. There is also a powerful configuration file that allows you to allow/deny appropriate file management actions.
(243 ratings)
Web templates - Flash templates
Web templates, website templates, flash templates, custom web design and other products offered by MyTemplates are ready-made tools and represent the base for the professional web design. You can get full access to the download area and monthly updates for a one-time registration fee of $42.95 Once registered with MyTemplates, there are no other additional or hidden fees.Also, MyTemplates provides website custom design services. For more details about prices and registration process, feel free to visit our web site. Now available: 6 free samples to download in order to test your skills to edit templates.
(240 ratings)
PriceUSD 42.95
PriadoBlender is a tool to let you distribute your PHP scripts as an executable EXE. It is similar to the PHPCompiler that was available for a couple of months a year or 2 ago. PriadoBlender isn't a true compiler in the computer science sense of the term. True compilers take the high-level code and turn it into machine/assembly code. Instead, PriadoBlender takes your PHP code and the PHP interpretor itself and blends them into standalone, PHP executable goodness. Version 0.2 features a new GUI wizard, no more reliance on MMCache and output EXE's licensed only under the PHP license.
(240 ratings)
PHPKB Knowledge Base Software
PHPKB is an extremely affordable knowledge base software and FAQ management system that allows you to setup a self-serve customer support knowledgebase with unlimited categories and articles. Features includes SEO friendly URLs, search and advanced search, multi-language support, browse categories, breadcrumbs, knowledgebase glossary, view articles by most popular, most viewed, recently added articles, print articles & export articles to PDF and MS word formats and options like email article to friend, bookmark article, comment on articles, rate articles etc. With hundreds of options like RSS feed export, advanced search, powerful WYSIWYG editor, database backup & optimization, seamless Google AdSense integration, Ajax powered IQS technology (instant question suggestions) & complete knowledge base statistics, PHPKB is a professional knowledge base software that is easy to install and customize.
(239 ratings)
PriceUSD 39.95
Edit-X Content Control Framework
The Content Control Framework from Edit-X allows you to build a dynamic, database-driven Web site right out of the box. At the core of Edit-X are powerful content management tools built on open, scalable and secure Internet technology. Ease of use is the cornerstone of the browser-based interface, making it possible for non-technical users to publish content without involving a Webmaster or third-party -- and to do so in minutes. If you're looking to manage and deploy web sites, share documents across departments, or reuse content across multiple sites, Edit-X is the preferred choice.
(239 ratings)
BBClone - A PHP Web Counter
posted byjrobbioinCounters
For each visitor, BBClone counter can display: IP address with reverse DNS, whois information, operating system, browser, referring URL (where do they come from), visit date, search engine keywords, country, page visits and number of visitors in a graphical interface. Additionally referrers and ip addresses can be ignored if necessary. No database is required, just add a few lines into the PHP pages to be tracked and the code does not appear in the source.
(237 ratings)
jsVal: JavaScript Form validation framework
posted byHabiinForms
jsVal is a JavaScript program used for validating HTML Forms on the client side. This allows HTML forms to be validated in the browser without having to send a request to a sever (PHP, ASP, Perl...). jsVals saves you from having to write complicated validations on server side as well as helping you avoid having to rebuild and repopulate the form when validation fails. The advantage versus other client side HTML form validators is the ease of use and flexibility you'll gain. jsVal fits the needs for most HTML Forms, and can be also easily be integrated with existing HTML Forms.
(236 ratings)
Atlant Pro. Classified Ads Script with E-commerce Solution.
posted byinfoinGeneral
Atlant Pro can work with plain text or MySQL databases. Script supports fee based membership sign up with real-time credit card processing. Some classifieds abilities (submitting ads, sending privacy mail to ad owners, viewing ads ) can be specified for using only by members. Before ads appear in the index admin can optionally moderate ad submissions. Users can place ads with many photos, preview photo and multimedia file. Password protected editing, renewing, deleting of ads. Powerful database searching capabilities with many criteria. Users can subscribe for mail list with special criteria. HTML Templates. Admin. can specify high priority level and comments for some ads. Anti-Spamming Features. For each category a set of ad fields (such as price, city, age, area, etc.) can be specified. Try the free version to see how it works !
(236 ratings)
PriceUSD 45.00
Simple Forum PHP - Cover Image
Simple Forum PHP
You need a simple forum or discussion board on your website - Simple Forum PHP is very easy for install and administration. Visitors to your website will be able to create threads or discuss other topics. The administration of the script is so simple, so anyone with minimum knowledge of websites can work on it. Here are some important features: * Search for topics; * Sticky topics(stay above the other topics); * CSS could be controlled via admin area or css file; * Any language support; * Options to choose from four types of captcha verifications for topic/reply form; * Set default time zone in case your web server is on different time zone; * RSS feed; * Latest PHP/HTML code standards; * Open source code, so anyone with code knowledge will be able to modify the script; * FREE INSTALLATION ON YOUR WEBSITE
(234 ratings)
PriceUSD 49.99
AbanteCart free eCommerce platform
AbanteCart is a leading free PHP based eCommerce solution for merchants to provide ability creating online business and sell products online quick and efficient. AbanteCart built and supported by experienced enthusiasts that are passionate about their work and contribution to the rapidly evolving eCommerce industry. AbanteCart is powered with a robust and expandable core platform, state of the art feature set and a high performing user interface. Expandable shopping cart application with fast growing number of extensions. Easy extension installation and management with one step installation. This allows to add virtually any feature or service to AbanteCart in the future, that this is very important in current dynamically changing technology environment. - Easy to start and use - Responsive design for standard and mobile devices - PCI Compliant - Fast and secure - Features reach - Flexible and expandable - Embed code functionality. - SMS Notifications - Backend tasks
(233 ratings)
Drag and drop - quiz script
This is cross browser drag'n drop script. The script let you drag small boxes and drop them on some predefined columns. The goal is to drag them to the correct column. Colors are used to indicate if you dropped it correctly or not. A script especially useful to school teachers.
(231 ratings)
absoluteBUSY - web CRM software
absoluteBUSY is an online CRM software, contact manager, sales- and project tracking system. It includes modules for typical CRM tasks, like customer management, lead tracking, sales tracking, project tracking and reporting. absoluteBUSY is the most simple and fastest professional web based CRM software, also with large amounts of data. The simple and clear userinterface requires no training or reading manuals, just start using it. absoluteBUSY is based on the popular open source software stack LAMP/WAMP( Windows, Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL), can also run with IIS webserver. Price ranges from EUR 140 down to EUR 60 per user, depending on the total number of seats. Free evaluation packages are available on request. More info can be found on: www.absoluteBUSY.com
(231 ratings)
eLouai's Right Click Popup Menu
Easily implement your own right click (context menu) popup menu in javascript and dhtml by using our basic script as a template. Cross browser compatible on both NN6+ and IE4+
(231 ratings)
posted byebspinChat Systems
jzChat is an 100% HTML/JavaScript chatroom performed by a java servlet. Guest users just have to enter a nickname for chatting. They can choose chat's look&feel. Private messages are allowed. Root user chooses chatroom's name and subject. Root also controls the chatroom: max. users, open, close, transcript, list or kickoff users features are available. jzChat is protected against cross scripting attacks. Only root user could use "direct-HTML". Note that this chat doesn't need frames to run.
(231 ratings)
Results 321-340 of 1000